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Sun Jun 25th, 2023 @ 3:48am

Tora Zalos

Name Tora Zalos

Position Dancer/Entertainer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cardassian
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 65kg
Hair Color Chestnut brown
Eye Color Amber
Physical Description Tora is a reasonably well-endowed young Cardassian woman with lighter gray skin and scales, light enough to seem chalky when standing under especially bright lighting. Cardassian scale ridges stand out prominently on her head. Her eyes are a deep, alluring shade of amber and seem to constantly be gleaming with playfulness and intelligence, which forms part of her charm as a dabo girl. She's never been a fan of keeping her hair in the traditional tight Cardassian do; as such she keeps it flowing down her shoulders and back.

Her attire while at work is suitably attention-grabbing, tailored to show off a generous amount of skin and curve while still remaining modest. She is partial to red, yellow and orange (one wonders if this is by coincidence or not) and minimal accessories, preferring to let the rest of her do the talking, so to speak.


Spouse N/A.
Children N/A
Father Glinn Duvat Zalos (deceased)
Mother Roja Zalos (deceased)
Other Family Glinn (RET) Yuvar Zalos (maternal uncle and adoptive father, older brother to Tora's father)
Grada Zalos (Yuvar's wife and adoptive mother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tora is one of Quira's most popular dabo girls for a good reason. Well-read as she is about various topics and with a sharp mind and wit to match, she is capable of intelligently engaging almost any customer in conversation while striking a delicate balance between that and the subtle seduction a dabo girl employs at work. Her genuine curiosity about people and their stories only adds to her allure; she is an excellent listener and will happily lend her ears to those with things to share with a warm, inviting smile on her lips, making them feel heard and valued. If during these conversations things that normally happen while distracted by a dabo girl's guile happen, she considers it a bonus.

She isn't too different when not working, really; she continues to listen attentively to and charm those who approach her even then with her intelligence and, well, other aspects of herself.

That being said her thirst for knowledge has never really been satiated and likely never will be; she continues to study hard in her off time, in the hopes of one day entering Starfleet Academy as a cadet.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent and highly conversational
+ Charismatic
+ Highly adaptable

- Can be a bit too trusting at times
_ Tends to ask too many questions. This sometimes gets her in trouble.
- Constantly grapples with the idea of being 'not Cardassian enough'. It doesn't bother her too much, though.
Ambitions * Enter Starfleet Academy one day.
* Learn how to cook.
Hobbies & Interests * Reading literally anything and everything she can get her hands on
* Chess. She can occasionally be found playing chess or other board games with customers while off duty (and sometimes on, too.)

Personal History Tora was born just a few years before the Dominion War on Cardassia Prime, living a normal Cardassian childhood until the war itself broke out. Her parents joined the resistance movement against the Dominion spearheaded by Legate Damar and were susequently killed by Jem'hadar while she was taken in by her uncle, a Union military veteran. She would not learn of her parents' death till she was sixteen years old.

Determined to keep her protected as his brother would've wanted, Yuvar and his wife moved with her off world during the after-war repair efforts to Risa, where he was certain they would be safe.

Living on Risa could only mean that Tora was immersed in the planet's rich culture of pleasure and recreation, and the diversity of people that came to its shores for relaxation. She experienced the Risan philosophy of embracing joy, exploration, and personal fulfillment. The planet's open-minded and inclusive society encouraged her to explore her own desires, interests, and talents.

Her time on Risa spent interacting with visitors to the planet fostered a sense of adventure and a yearning to explore the wider universe beyond the pleasure planet's boundaries. Tora's thirst for knowledge and understanding grew, inspiring her to seek opportunities for personal growth and intellectual stimulation. While Risa provided an environment of leisure, she yearned for more than just indulgence. As such she took up reading in the resorts' extensive libraries, eagerly absorbing any all information that she could get her hands on.

Eventually, Tora's thirst for knowledge and new experiences led her to leave Risa and seek opportunities beyond the pleasure planet. Eager to experience the wider universe firsthand, she set her sights on Deep Space Nine first and foremost. There her personality, intelligence, and of course looks caught the attention of Quira, who offered her the chance to work as a dabo girl. Not only would she get paid and be able to live largely on her own terms, she would also get to meet a variety of people - what wasn't to like?