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Sun Dec 22nd, 2024 @ 1:45pm

Lieutenant JG T'ra Na'vassa

Name T'ra Na'vassa

Position Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Nickname 'Death Angel'
Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5foot 7inch
Weight 145 Lbs
Hair Color Jet Black Waist Length hair.
Eye Color Green
Physical Description T'ra's build is a cross between a dancer and a martial artist. She is slim with pleasant features. People tend to underestimate her ability's, in which she doesn't seem to mind.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Admiral Koresh Na"vassa (Age 60)
Mother Marissa Na'vassa (Concert Pianist Age 52)
Brother(s) Arellius Na'vassa (Age 32 Sub Commander of the Romulan ship Thraxis)

Modeaus Na'vassa (Age 28 Chief Endineer of the Romulan ship Mokar)

Vargas Na'vassa (Age 25 2nd Luit. in the Tal Shiar.)
Other Family T'ra cannot contact any of her family members in the empire, as they have disavowed her in order to protect themselves from being used by the Tal Shiar. Her extended family are now members of the federation.

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'ra to her extended federation family members is kind, caring and extreamly loyal. She has to be since she gave up everything when she defected from the Romulan Star Empire and came to the Federation. Before her defection T'ra was a 1st Lieutenant in the Tal Shiar, She was running Operations in the triangle zone. Everything from weapons smuggling to anti federation terrorist groups to dealing with drug smugglers and Orion Pirates.

But during her studies and intelligence gathering she came to the conclusion that with all threats in the galaxy like the Borg, the Donimion and other yet unknowns. None of the three major powers could survive on their own, If some threat appeared and starts going after the major powers one by one they would surely fall. T'ra fervently believes that if the Federation, The Star Empire and the Klingons are to survive, they must unite as one and work together.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Strong willed + Determined + Works well with others + Leadership Skills + Command Presence

- Ruthless (when dealing with enemies) - Sometimes gives into bloodlust during the heat of battle. - Vengeful (if she feels she has been wronged) (Currently working with a counselor to temper down the bloodlust and vengefulness.)
Ambitions 1. To work towards forging a grand allience between the Federation, Romulans and Klingons. To have them co exist in peace and cooperation.

2. To prove herself worthy of her extended Federation family and rise through the ranks so that she may realize her dreams of unifacation of galatic powers for cooperatioin and defence.

3. If the fates are kind, perhaps to have a family one day with a special someone.
Hobbies & Interests Musical Insterment: Ka'athyra (also known as a vulcan lute) 2. Gardening 3. Flower arranging 4. Horseback Riding

5. Painting 6. Qowat Milat (Romulan warrior nun Martial Art.) 7.Sewing and Quilting 8. Star Gazing

Intrests: (Also trained in)
1. Close in combat 2. Combat blades 3.Poisons (manufacture and use of) 4. Stealth 5. Survaillence

6. Intellengence gathering 7. Street wise (Criminal underworld contacts)

Personal History T'ra grew up on Romulas, the second of four children and the only daughter of Koresh and Marissa Na'vassa. She had the same desire to serve her people as did the rest of her siblings, She had a knackfor getting things done and organizing so that task got completed. She also had a talent for ferreting out secrets and uncovering what others wanted to keep hidden. After the first two years in the Star Academy and her academics were out of the way, T'ra was headhunted and recruited by the Tal Shiar and the training for the next two years was intense.

After she graduated she was assigned to a unit operating in the Triangle Zone, an area known for it's lawlessness and coruption. Those that survived were promoted and those that didn't were tossed aside and replaced. The strong survived and the were were cast away. By the time she turned 23 years of age, she had gone from being a pleeb to a 1st Lieutenant and in charge of her own cell.

While in the Triangle T'ra had walked in the halls of Kings, Planetary Governors, Crime Lords and even the shadow ports of Pirate Kings. She had dealt with Assassins, Slavers, Drug Cartels and other dark persons of the seedy underworld. While still in the Triangle she studied the threats of her people so she'd know how to handle them when the time came. She came to the conculsion that the Star Empire could not survive on it's own and came up with her plan of uniting the three powers.

After T'ra devised her plan, she was able to get a transfer near the neutral zone. She stayed in place and got to know the base and worked getting everything into place and taken cake of in the next three months. She sabotaged the sensors to where they would have to run a level three dianostic on the system. At that point she loaded her hidden gear into a two man scout ship and escaped into Federation territory.

T'ra encountered a Federation cruiser when entering Federation space and promptly signaled her surrender and defection, and asked for asylum.
Service Record Romulan Star Academy: Security and Intelligence. Age 16-18

Tal Shiar training and basic field operations. Age 18-20

Assigned to the Triangle Zone for espionage, assassinations, smuggling and weapon trafficing. And any other assignments that came down the pipe from high command. Age 20-25

Joined Star Fleet Intelligence Age 26 to present. Has served at Starbase Haven and aboard the King George V, Has just recently been transfered to Starbase Poseidon.