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Thu Oct 22nd, 2020 @ 12:06pm

Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

Name Thex sh'Zoarhi

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5" (165cm)
Weight 140 lbs (64 kg)
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Snow white shoulder-length hair reveal a fresh, tense face. Bulging blue eyes, set concealed within their sockets, watch discreetly over space they've come to love for so long.
Smooth skin seductively compliments her eyes and hair and leaves an amusing memory of her luck.
The is the face of Thex, a true genius among andorians. She stands out among others

There's something captivating about her, perhaps it's her sensitivity or perhaps it's simply her unfortunate past. But nonetheless, people tend to welcome her, while hoping their daughters will grow up to be like her.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Relaoss,Akal
Mother Tora,Evylao
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Zami,Jhissaa,Ziriat
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview It's hard to describe a complex person like Thex, but if nothing else you should know she's energetic and clear-headed. Of course she's also playful, capable and clever. Her energy though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. Friends tend to count on this and her modesty when they're feeling down.
Strengths & Weaknesses Thex is a trained Starfleet engineer and is skilled in dancing and swimming.

Like all of her people, she can find warmer temperatures harder to operate in
Ambitions Thex like most of starfleet has her eye on the captains chair.
Hobbies & Interests Thex has a few hobbies including swimming, martial arts,dancing and building stuff on the holo deck.

Personal History Thex had a troubled start of life. Being born into a family of andorian supremacists she lived a very sheltered life living in a closed of compound in the andorian capital. The only view of the outside world came in the form of dreams of faraway lands she knew she would never visit and a voice that comforted her when she was sad.
With little to do when she wasn’t being taught the young andorian started tinkering with electronics finding she had a talent with them. Remarkable she always seemed to find broken electronics just lying around.

On her tenth birthday something extraordinary happened. After being locked in her room for failing to pay attention in her class she cried herself to sleep. When she awoke a picture had been left for her. Whoever the short andorian in the picture was it brought her an immense comfort.

As she grew older the desire to escape from the compound grew though she knew her parents would never let her leave. It was then the voice began telling her things. Things that she knew she could use to escape.
It was on her seventeenth birthday she decided to run. Using her knowledge of electronics she was able to lower the scanners and make a run for the wall. If only she had checked the perimeter patrols. Just as she was about to clamber over two of the guards began to pull her back into the compound. It took all of her strength before she was able to pull herself over.

With the help of starfleet she was able to get of andora and make it to earth where she quickly agreed to join starfleet and was entered into the academy. Her tutor decided to try her in starfleet engineering and she more than succeeded. She found her life at starfleet to be a dream come true and began exploring many different experiences.

One of these happened to be the underground fight network at the academy in which she found it to quite relaxing and enjoyable to get rid of repressed rage. Well until he was caught and faced expulsion It was here she encountred Nainaa a starfleet intelligence operative who took the andorian under her wing.

Four years later she had graduated from the academy with honors and was assigned to her first assignment which was a long undercover operation with the orion syndicate. For five years she was the team's tech girl, muscle and distraction all in one. After the operation's success she was withdrawn back to headquarters for a few months before she was assigned to various other ships to provide them with intelligence.

She has now been recommended for chief engineering officers position a job she has gladly accepted.
Service Record 2377: Enters the academy
2381: Graduates and assigned to classified
2386: Transferred to USS Firebird.
2387: Transferred to USS Aberdeen
2389: Transferred to USS Kumari.