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Jonah and the Raven

Posted on Fri Dec 21st, 2018 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant JG Eleanor Phoy & Lieutenant JG Jonah Masters

980 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Faltan Station - Intelligence Division
Timeline: MD03 - 1420 Hours

Jonah adjusted his collar, finding walking through Faltan to be among the hardest things he had to do lately. Apparently he would have to push harder during his physical therapy sessions. Still, he was about to enter his former domain, despite the yellow tunic, he still had nearly a decade of Intel field operations behind him. Adjusting his duty jacket with a tug at the hem, Jonah reached out and touched the annunciator, indicating to the senior Intel Officer that he'd arrived as scheduled.

Walking around the intelligence deck as she tried to gather information about what was happening in the field, she was not pleased with any rate about the changes that had occurred on Faltan. The information about the Death Squad, the MIA of Sarah and then there was Tendai she had to deal with. Eleanor shrugs and rolled her eyes about that as she noticed the indication and turned around seeing Jonah walking around, looking around. She blinks and walked towards him. For a moment there was silence as she suddenly signed a few times [Good day, how can I help you?] a computer but yet soft female voice came from her comm badge.

Jonah had met Nveid, a man with a similar disability, so he was not surprised by the sign language, nor the computer voice. "I'm Lieutenant Masters," he introduced himself. "I was sent to be briefed on the assassination attempt on Captain Refelian and the successful assassination of the Faltan governor. He told me you would be best to discuss that with." He smiled, insincere, but a habit he picked up while in Intel. Body language was everything and seeming open for this type of conversation was a necessity.

Nodding towards that [Well, my name is Lieutenant Junior Grade Eleanor Phoy, I am the new Chief Intelligence Officer due that the former CIO is assigned to different duties. The situation regarding Refelian is complicated, to say the least] She taps onto the side of the console and brings information up [Captain Refelian was shot from the tower in Faltan city, little to no evidence was found as it was cleaned quite well. However, field operatives have found information of other factions at play and the possibility of Phantom being the shooter] She sees him a bit confused by the name [Phantom is the name of Natalija Vlahović. Registered as a terrorist member of Death Squad and known for her legendary sniper skills]

Jonah nodded. Vlahović had been on SFI's wanted list for some time, but his path had never crossed hers. Jonah wondered how much Phoy knew of his time in Intel. "I wonder if you might make this information available to my office. I think you'll find my clearance rating sufficient, Lieutenant."

Looking at him and she blinked a bit [I shall provide to you what is required and approved by Starfleet Intelligence. This is information that concerns Black Ops operatives and we are rebuilding our network here Lieutenant] She gave a soft smile [Anything else you wish to know in regards of Faltan? I must admit I am still catching up myself]

Jonah smiled. "I'm not asking for the names of your operatives, Lieutenant, just the pertinent information on Vlahović. Enough to do my portion of the job anyway," he suggested. "As for anything additional, I think we're both in the same boat. Playing catch up on a deadly game of he said, she said. I wish I knew more of the motivation behind the assassination attempt on the CO and the successful assassination of the Faltan Governor... ah well, all in due time, I suppose."

Her information sharing got picked up wrong, but in the end it seems the Lieutenant got the general idea. Eleanor nodded to him [The information flow is going slow, but that is like I said earlier, the foundation needs to be built here in this center and outside] She thinks for a second [I will give you any information that is potential required for the safety of this base, does that sound better?]

Jonah nodded. "That's fine. As for Faltan City, is there any danger to us if we visited?" He wondered. "Or do you think the assassination was limited to the CO and Governor?" He wasn't sure Lieutenant Phoy would know the answer to the question. He hated to think the entire city was indefinitely off limits.

Leaning against the console next to her as she took a deep breath and thought about it [The city itself is not off limits for Starfleet officers. However...] She stops for a second and shrugs as Eleanor continues [Out of the reports from the Crystals, it is clear that we are not welcome with these people. So going in with regular clothing is the best road you can take] Looking at him [Planning on a trip down memory lane?]

"Memory lane?" Jonah repeated. "Aren't the Faltans on par for technology with the Federation, or was the info pack inaccurate?" His question sincere. He was under the impression that the Faltans were as technologically advanced as the Federation and Starfleet. If not, he had more work to do.

Shaking her head [There are familiars between the tech they use and that we use, but in the end there was little to no agreement between the two governments] Eleanor pointed out and shrugs a bit [You might find similarities in the field, but it might be a copy of what they got in the market or black market]

“So, be ready for anything. Got it,” Jonah responded with a bit of a smirk. “I suppose that’s a good mantra for life. I’ll be sure to watch my back,” he added.

Nodding to that, Eleanor signed that she had to go back to work now and bow slightly before turning to her work as the Chief made his exit.


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