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A rather Caitian meeting

Posted on Thu Feb 28th, 2019 @ 12:29am by Lieutenant Srash & Commander M'Mira

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Outside Security Hub
Timeline: MD04 - 1600

M'Mira needed information. That Klingon ship did not explode itself. And the fact that there were Federation devices used to make the explosion bothered her more. The Captain was leaving, which was terribly inconvenient. Now it was up to her and Mint to sort out this mess, and a fine mess it was. She headed over to Security to see how the investigation was proceeding and watched as Lieutenant Shorish was coming out. Why would an Engineer be going out of security? she wondered. Perhaps they needed some repair with the station wiring. Lord knows that Cat messed it up enough.

"Good day, Lieutenant Shorrrish," she said pleasantly to the male Caitian.

"Commanderrr," Srash gave M'Mira a small bow with a cheeky look on his face. His tail swished behind him happily. Shorish had told him of his encounter with Commander M'Mira, but Srash had yet to meet the Caitian female. "How arrre you on this fine day?"

"I am well. And you, Lieutenant?" she asked being polite.

"Wonderrrrful! It's a lovely day," Srash smiled, looking about. "And therrrrre hasn't been an explosion to interrrupt it yet, so that counts as a grrrreat day so far in my book."

M'Mira tilted her head curiously. Why would Shorish care about the explosion anymore? He was not security. He was an engineer. Also, he suddenly seemed much more confident and certain of himself, unlike at the party. "Until it is solved, I would not call it lovely."

Ears and tail drooping a little, Srash nodded. "Yes, you'rrre rrright Commanderrr... how callous of me," he said softly. "I hope it is solved quickly, and that therrrrre arrrre no morrrre incidents," he added.

Nodding her head, M'Mira agreed. "Therrre seems to be a neverrr ending set of incidents herrre. So much for cat naps."

"Neverrr any time forrrr naps," Srash agreed with a little hum. "But you always seem to be full of enerrrrrgy," he said with a slight smile. He felt awkward, he'd never really interacted with M'Mira, but Shorish had and he'd reported that M'Mira had found him dull. He wanted to say something about wishing he'd been able to see her at the party, but she thought he was Shorish and, with the idea of fun in mind, he wanted to keep her guessing on that for a while. "You rrrrreally shone at the parrrrty. It would be nice to have rrrrreason to celebrrrrate again."

"You thought I shined?" M'Mira purred. "Is that a fact?" Her tail swished happily behind her and her head cocked slightly downward and to the side in an imitation of a blush. "I do not see how you think I am full of enerrrgy, though. I have not had a nap since I got herrre. My beauty sleep is lacking."

"Indeed you did!" Srash bobbed his head in an odd nod. "Ahh, but you do not look as though you've missed any sleep," he tilted his head to the side slightly as though giving her a better look. "Even on close inspection, you look purrrrfect!" He gave her a toothy grin, wondering how Shorish struck out so hard with her at the party. This was easy, getting her purring with happiness.

M'Mira's tail curled around herself and her head tilted even more in a combination of pleasure and embarrassment. Where was this Caitian before? Where did all of the confidence come from? He was so different than he was at the party. It was almost as if Shorish had a lobotomy performed on him. "I would not go that farrr," M'Mira replied. "But you neverrr know wherrre flatterrry will get you."

Srashed bobbed his head in agreement. Noise behind him caught his attention and his ears turned to catch the sound. Hearing other security officers and knowing they could give away that he wasn't actually Shorish, Srash moved off to the side a bit as though clearing their path. "Sometimes it gets you farrr, otherrrs it gets you a smack," Srash joked. "But I should let you get back to yourrrr duties, Commanderrr. And I should get to mine. I hope to see you arrround!"

"I'm surrre that you shall. Besides, I do need to check in with securrrity. Have a good day, Lieutenant."


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