Return to the Medway (Part 2)
Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2019 @ 10:50pm by Captain M'Mira & Lieutenant Connor Turner & Lieutenant Kylean Amidok MD, PhD & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior & Lieutenant Srash & Lieutenant Shorish & Lieutenant Leyla Aiman-Tamar
845 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Minotaur
M'Mira was stalking the Minotaur as the time moved on. She looked at a chronometer and hoped that everyone would be here on time. She wondered what decisions she would make if someone was late. All she knew was that 15 minutes was a long time with Candy sniffing around and she desperately wanted to avoid any such encounter.
Shorish made his way back, having not gone too far other than leaving Tendai a message verifying that he was going to be gone. "Commanderrrrr," he stated as he gave her a polite nod.
Leyla came back with a science kit slung over her shoulder. She wanted to make sure that they could research anything they needed to with the proper equipment. She smiled to Shorish and then to M'Mira. "Are we the first back?"
M'Mira gave a wide smile at Shorish and it carried over to Leyla. "It would appearrr," she told them.
Srash came in next. "Commanderrr, I have Securrrrrity squarrrred away forrrr the mission," he smiled at M'Mira and moved to the Security station on the bridge.
Connor rushed onto the ship, blushed at M'Mira and then went promptly to his station without a word to say.
Ensign Cosantior entered the bridge, "My section is prepared Ma'am." She reported before taking another station on the bridge.
Dr Amidok boarded the ship next, complete with all the hardware he was ordered to use when he fell to sleep. He was nervous about fully being open to feeling for the first time in a long time, but welcomed it just the same. It made him feel more... himself, than any medication ever did. Approaching the Commander, he waited for the Ensign to finish, then said, "Excuse me, sir. If it is okay with you, I'll be activating the EMH to have it prepare medical kits. I'd also like to request some rack time along the way. It'll help me focus my mental abilities. I figure on a mission like this, either I need to meditate, or sleep, and sleep is more important," he stopped, realizing that may have sounded like the mission wasn't much of a deal to him. "Sorry, sir, I didn't mean that the way it came out."
M'Mira acknowledged Cosantior, hoping that this was going to be an easy mission. Amidok, however, put some of that in doubt. She did not like hearing that she had a fatigued officer. "Do what you must. We need you focused, Doctorrrr."
"Sir, I promise to meet all the conditions of the counselor regarding the monitors I'm supposed to be wearing, but I must insist I not take any more of the medication, at least for the duration of the mission. I'm no good to you with half of my empathic abilities subdued by medication."
M'Mira simply told the Doctor, "One foot out of line, doctorrr...." The rest was left as an unsaid threat.
Cosantior was close enough to hear, and was fairly good at listening well. She'd earned the nickname 'Rabbit Ears' from her mother though to be honest neither had ever actually seen a rabbit in person. Just an old phrase. It was curious but like all curious things she wasn't supposed to know about she let it fade and focused on her duty. In Intel one had to compartmentalize or things could get, unwieldy. She called up the reports on the area to review them again for anything that may help the mission.
"Commander," the doctor followed, "I assure you the rest is only to help focus my empathic abilities. Not taking any medication will only help to hone them. I only want to be at the height of my abilities, especially for this mission. I would never do anything to step a foot... out of line."
Leyla simply was listening to the conversation while double-checking all the systems. She wasn't sure what they were talking about, but it was interesting to listen in.
M'Mira gave a nod at the doctor, temporarily satisfied with the answer. However, she worried whether she made an appropriate decision bringing him along.
Shorish had gone down to engineering for now as Connor had the bridge station. He likely didn't need to do much down there, but two engineers on the bridge was a bit much given the ship size.
"Permission to proceed with activating the EMH, and then to carry out the plan as proposed, sir!" the doctor offered.
"Purrrmission grrranted," M'Mira simply replied.
She then turned to Shorish and said, "Commence launch sequence."
Shorish remembered he had to fly this thing and slipped into helm. "Launch sequence initiated, Commanderrrrr. We arrrrre clearrrrr when rrrrready."
Srash stood at the back of the small bridge and watched his brother fly the ship. A small smirk formed on his face. The only three Caitians on the station were here, on this small bridge together. But oh how he hoped his small team would not be needed to do their jobs. The whole situation with the Medway was bad enough, they didn't need hostile forces or creatures adding to the stress.