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Something afoot

Posted on Thu Aug 2nd, 2018 @ 11:32am by Captain Horatio Refelian & Dreyem Taga
Edited on on Mon Sep 3rd, 2018 @ 3:39pm

714 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Government Building, Faltan City
Timeline: MD03 - 1400

Kiter Tizd stood at the large window in his office and looked proudly out at what they had accomplished over the past 400 years.

If his people ever did show up to bring them back home to the Delta Quadrant, he was sure everyone here would want to stay. This was their home and he doubted that would change.

The door to his office slid open which meant it could be only one person. His Deputy, Dreyem Taga. She was headstrong and spoke her mind, but she was good at her job, perhaps too good. She was the only threat to his Governorship. She had strong links within the city and was very pro Faltan for Faltans.

Tizd was also pro Faltan for Faltans but her views were extremist, hence why he probably won the election 8 months earlier.

“Well...” She said, her tone abrupt.

The Governor found the strength not to curse but he did roll his eyes before he turned from the window to face Taga.

“Lovely to see you on this fine morning, Deputy.” She said with a smile.

“Yes, yes. What did they say?” She demanded again.

“I’m guessing you’re referring to our response to Starfleet’s invitation to their Station.” The Governor replied calmly.

“Of course! I’m not talking about the planets of the system aligning.” She said her tone grew harsher.

“Calm yourself. I rejected their invitation as you suggested.” Kiter replied. “But I did invite them here, if they wish to talk then they can do so on our terms.”

“What?! Starfleet coming here! Are you crazy?! They’ll try and take the city by force, you know that don’t you?” The Deputy replied. “It was probably a ploy to invite us, so we’d reject it and invite them into the city. You really are a fool!”

“That’s enough! Know your place! I’m the Governor you are my Deputy, if you want to stay in that position you’ll watch your tone.” Tizd shouted. “If we have to live with them I want it to be civil. After all we did invite them here in the first place.”

Dreyem took a deep breath, “Of course, I apologise, Governor. It is not my place to question your decisions. I’m here to help you within your role. How can I help in this matter?”

Kiter nodded his approval, “I know you feel strongly about the Federation types, but they are here and we must deal with them in a civil way. Inviting them here is the only way I could see us being protected but also being open to listen to what they have to say.”

The Governor paused for a few moments, “You could help with sorting their travel arrangements. They are coming via Runabout, so will need clearance to land and security leading them here to my office.”

“It will be done, Governor. Sorry again for over stepping my boundaries.” The Deputy said with a bow of her head.

The Governor smiled, “You're passionate about your job. It’s not a problem Dreyem.”

“If I may be excused I’ll get to work on Starfleet’s arrival.” Taga said.

“Of course.” Kiter said. “This will be alright, I promise.”

With that, Deputy left.


Dreyem Taga walked towards the Chief of Armed Forces office. She nodded and greeted people she knew as she went. When she finally arrived, she tapped 3 times and waited for permission to enter. A few moments later there was an ‘enter’ called from the other side of the door and she entered.

She closed the door before speaking. “Tizd has only invited Starfleet to come here!” She whispered angrily.

“I know!” Dintu Rhize replied.

“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Taga demanded.

Rhize held his hands up, “I only found out this morning. It’s not exactly the thing I can plaster all over the comm net.”

The Deputy Governor accepted that, she paced the office as she thought. A few minutes went past before she spoke. “We need to step up our plan. Is it feasible?”

Dintu let out a long breath as he thought. “Yes, but I strongly recommend against it.”

“Noted. Get it done.” The Deputy said before exiting the office.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Calista Aereen MD on Thu Aug 2nd, 2018 @ 2:20pm


the maniacal laughter was missing.