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Plan to Plan

Posted on Fri Feb 7th, 2020 @ 10:17pm by Commander M'Mira & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: Diplomacy, what’s that?
Location: Intelligence Headquarters

After Shannon left the XO's office she made her way to the intelligence department.

To get there she had to prove ID at no less than 3 check points. She walked through a corridor bisected by large and heavy blast doors that currently stood open.

Other security features like it's own power source, knock out gas, force fields, permanent transport inhibitors were embedded throughout the area which had to be manually overridden by only 4 people. Shannon, the CO, XO, and Chief of Security. Even phasers hidden in the walls helped keep it safe.

The computers could were even more limited. There was no remote access. You wanted to get on an Intel computer you had to have the right authorization and be in Intel to do it. That was in addition to the security features.

Every feature that could be brought to bear was by Shannon's predecessor and Shannon herself to make this area as safe as it could be. Considering the information could cost lives Shannon figured it was time well spent.

She arrived at the door and leaned into an eye scanner as she placed her hand on another panel in the empty corridor. There was a beep as it authorized her instead of stunning her.

Then the door swooshed open into Intel proper. The department had grown since she'd been here as Intel ramped up its efforts in the region and people bustled to and fro.

It was one of the few areas that Intel had control over it's own security protocols as well as security. A secure complex of offices, store rooms, even an armory and a one cell brig with a few interrogation rooms and other areas as needed. It was like a mini operations area. There was a large computer console in the middle of a large room with corridors and rooms branching off.

She placed her fingers to her lips and gave a high pitched whistle, "Oy! Per orders I am promoted to Chief of Intelligence, I'd love to make a big deal about it." This was said in a slightly joking way as she would not want to make a big deal about it. She'd been acting head for a while so no one was really shocked but overall happy for her. There were some chuckles at her words. "But we've worked to do. Anyone with a Red 1 Clearance not already working on something vital have them meet me in briefing room 1."

She smiled as people gave a quick thumbs up or some minor congrates before returning to their work. They knew how Shannon liked to operate, if there was vital work to be done that took priority. She likely only mentioned the promotion to confirm rumors so they could better focus.

She entered the conference room and a few minutes later a handful of others did as well.

She was more forth coming and less formal with these people who she worked with day in and day out.

"Alright, here's the summary our trouble child is acting up again and they brought friends." translation-Problems with the planet and there are other players in the region.

"We have a priority one assignment from the XO." Everyone sat up a little straighter at that.

She sat and leaned forward on her arms, "One: Find evidence, if it exists that the Governor of Faltan, attacked Captain Refelien. Two: Review attack on Leftenant Tendai by a member of Crystal Fruit to confirm the players there, the Captain appeared to do nothing then disappeared. Three: Review all persons on station starting with those with a Red Flag in their file for Faltean Sympathizers. Four: Monitor and gain intel on the local Governor, Union, Ryeaya and the status of the local Free Romulan Movement."

She looked around the table I know this is a lot to deal with but the XO is fairly reasonable. We just need a preliminary plan, I'm going to assign you to an area. I'll want to review what we have and we'll meet back here at..." She paused, "1700, it'll be a working dinner. This may be an all nighter so plan accordingly, bring your summaries and ideas for a plan. I will be focusing on the items related to the Governor and..." She continued passing out assignments and giving them the support they would need.

Finally she leaned back, "Any questions before we break for research?"


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