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Posted on Fri Apr 3rd, 2020 @ 2:09am by Commander M'Mira & Lieutenant Commander Aeryn Jameson

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: Diplomacy, what’s that?
Location: M'Mira's office

Aeryn arrived at Commander M'Mira's office, she wanted to talk to the Caitian about the offer that Telhas had made. She pressed the door chime and waited for an invite to enter.

M'Mira was jolted from her nap. She made a mental note to find herself a yeoman or a secretary or someone to stop everyone from coming in while she was enjoying some rest. Maybe having all of these new people come was not the best idea. Of course, if they did not, she could not save Faltan. She sighed, complaining silently to herself, "Damned if you do and damned if you don't." She then called to her visitor, "Come in!"

Walking into the office Aeryn smiled politely as she walked across to M'Mira's desk. "Commander, I'm sorry to bother you but I've been having an interesting talk with the Romulan Ambassador." She referred to the PADD she had in her hand. "We have been offered an agreement of mutual military assistance, limited to this planet only, it's purely defensive offer effective if one of us is attacked." She referred back to the PADD "He also told me that there had been an offer from Starfleet to establish a protected transporter connection from Faltan Station to his embassy. At that time he refused, but he has reconsidered and would like to set up a transporter room in the second defense perimeter of his embassy. He has requested to speak with our intelligence department." She looked at M'Mira.

The Caitian blinked a few times. "That is an interesting offerrr. Howeverrr, I have to wonderrr why the Rrromulan Ambassadorrr would offer such a thing. Therrre has to be something in this forrr them." She blinked a few times as her tail swished briskly from one side to the other. "So, why?"

“The Ambassador seems to be interested in the mutual protection angle for his embassy, he hasn’t given me any reasons to doubt his sincerity with this offer. I’ll admit I wasn’t overly keen on getting to know him to start, I know very little of my Romulan heritage or the Romulans in general but from what I could tell he’s been open with me.”

M'Mira turned her back and then stalked her office back and forth, her tail swishing thoughtfully. "I doubt that his people would be overrrly thrrrilled with that, if they found out. But, if Faltan werrre to fall, then they might fall, as well. A coorrrdinated defense and counterrrattack, might be betterrrr. Howeverrr, that might mean that we would have to sharrre inforrrmation and tactics. I am uncerrrtain that Starrrfleet would like that." She hissed lightly. "Damn him forrrr putting me in this position."

“Then don’t put yourself in the position Commander.” Aeryn looked at M’Mira, “I’m the half Romulan here, I’m used to being the one that people don’t appreciate. I came to you with this, so let me take responsibility for it. I’ll admit I am curious about learning more about myself now, I wasn’t ever interested before. The Ambassador isn’t like any Romulan I’ve ever met before, he seems genuine in his offer.”

The Commander's eyes narrowed to small slits. "We arrre pack. We do not leave someone out to hang and drrry, I believe the exprrression goes. If we decide to do this, we do it togetherrr or not at all. Do I make myself clearrr?"

"Yes Commander!" Aeryn nodded. "So what do you suggest we do Commander? Perhaps we should invite the Ambassador to meet with both of us so that he can go over his idea in more detail?"

"Cerrrtainly," the Caitian purred. "How arrre you at making a White Rrrrusian with extrrra crrream?"

“To be honest I’ve never tried” Aeryn smiled at M’Mira, “Show me how you like it and I’ll do my best to make it that way for you from now on.”

The Caitian sighed. One good thing about Refelian, for all his other faults, was that he knew how to make a drink. Now, she had to teach her XO. One would have thought that an XO would just know how to do things. After all, what use were they if they did not make everything run smoother so that a Commanding Officer could have enough cat naps to do whatever had to be done. Her tail drooping, she headed over to the replicator. "Two White Rrrussians, extrrra crrream, please." A short second later, they appeared.

M'Mira told Aeryn, "They arrre good, with orrr without alcohol, as farrr as I am concerrrned. This is definitely something that the Terrrrrrans got rrrright. It is almost like they knew Caitians before we met."

"On Earth Humans have cats as pets Ma'am. They're a small version of the felines that have been on Earth for millennia. In Earth's past cats were worshipped by the Earth people known as Egyptians."

"I am awarrrre of those poorrr crrrreaturrres," M'Mira told Aeryn. "To think that they werrrre not somehow the superrriorrrr lifeform on the planet. At least many seem to have trrrained theirrr Terrrrrrrans to serrrrve them apprrrroprrrriately," M'Mira purred. "I wonderrrr why the Egyptians stopped and otherrr humans did not pick it up," she continued with a shrug. "Ah, well. I suppose that evolution is a trrricky thing, no? Are Earrrth felines fed White Rrrrusians with extrrra crrream? Do you know?"

"No they don't I'm afraid. At least that I know of!" Aeryn smiled. "They are very pampered animals though from what I know of them."

"As well they should be," M'Mira replied with a wide grin, her tail swishing definitively in an angled down stroke. For a moment, she lost herself in her favorite daydream of prince Caitian coming to sweep her away and decorate her with numerous trinkets and allowing her to nap most of the day. Dreamily she told Aeryn, "It would be lovely, wouldn't it? But, we have a station to rrrun." She pulled out her White Russian, drank a gulp, some white cream getting stuck on the fur above her lip.

Aeryn smiled and sipped her own drink, it wasn't something she was used to but it was nice. "Mmm I can see why you like this."

"It is delicious," M'Mira told Aeryn. So, other than the Rrromulan's offer, is therrre anything else that you wish to discuss?"

Aeryn shook her head. "I don't believe so Commander. Is there anything else you require me to do?"

"Just get yourrrself and all of the new perrrrsonnel situated and on rrregularrr schedules. I would like to be able to count on everrrything rrrunning smoothly."

"Yes Ma'am" Aeryn nodded and headed for the door.


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