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Old Friends, New Favours

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2021 @ 7:06pm by Telhas thu'S'Terion Sa-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor

889 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: Diplomacy, what’s that?
Location: Romulan Embassy

Just after his meeting with Aeryn, Telhas had received the code of the Romulan part of her DNA. Of course, he could search the Tal Shiar databanks for a match. His security clearance allowed it, at least for most DNA recordings. But he did not want to answer questions, or to be traced too easily. He could have tried to hack the identity of some Tal Shiar captain, but that would cause severe tension if he was caught, and he was happy that the Tal Shiar, and especially its chair, started to trust him. So he decided to call an old friend. He was not sure if their "emergency channel" still existed, nor if it was still safe, but it was worth a try. He entered the codes to send the strongly encrypted channel. The screen stayed black. Nothing happened.

Telhas sighed. The last time they talked was almost two years ago. His old friend had asked him to bring Viina, his friend's sister, out of the Romulan Star Empire. She had to flee, being a reunificationist with her cover broken. She was also a friend to Telhas. They, all three, became friends during their time in the Tal Shiar's secret training facility for psions. At that time he had been close to date her, but it would have been inappropriate. The XO should not date the CO's younger sister. He wondered how things would have ended if his decision would have been different. Maybe they would have been a good couple, two telepaths? But then again, Nevala was the love of his life.

Green letters appeared on the screen.


'I wonder who will answer,' he thought while time passed.

A Romulan in similar age as Telhas appeared on screen. He wore a Tal Shiar uniform and his rank pips showed he was a colonel. His eyes widened. "Valkis? I mean, Telhas? Is it really you?"

Telhas grinned. "Well, the old philosophical question of personality not being taken into account, then yes, it is me. Tell me, Korak, who was mad enough to make you colonel?"

Korak laughed. "Tal Shiar High Command. They thought that, with a weird senator being our advisor and overseer, they had to grant me a matching rank. Just to ensure that this senator did not assume command. You have no idea whom I am talking about, do you? Because the honourable senator never paid us a visit."

"Well... the reason might be that this senator had other priorities," Telhas shrugged, "Maybe I should find the time and visit you. Yet, things here need my attention. The Falteans are untrustworthy. And there is something odd here. By the way, do you have any promising young officer in training who would be willing to, say, quit service and work for me? You know, there has been some agreement between the Falteans and the Tal Shiar to withdraw the agency."

"Hmm... and I thought the agreement was between the agency and a couple of... hmm... rogues. But I may be wrong." Korak's eyes narrowed. "But this is not why you are calling. I know you for too long, and I have always been the better psychologist. I could never rely on my special abilities like you, so I had to rely on something more profane."

Telhas nodded. "True, true. Nonetheless, my request is valid. But I also have another request. A favour of my friend, not a request to an officer."

Korak showed no emotions. "Sure. I think I owe you something for my sister's safety."

"No, we are friends. You owe me nothing. But I could still need some help. Is this connection secure?"

"Of course, Telhas. So, what can I do for you?" Korak looked at Telhas curiously.

Telhas transferred the DNA sequence. "I need to find out who it is."

Korak looked at the sequence for a while. "You could find it out yourself. You have access."

"Yes, but I do not want anyone to know that I want to know." Telhas smiled wryly. "You know as well as I do that to know without being known can be quite advantageous."

"Are we talking about politics, my friend?" Korak asked friendly.

Telhas shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. And, please, do not ask too many questions. When you are asked why you need this, just say that you found this sequence in an old case, which you had a look at for training reasons."

Korak nodded thoughfully. "I understand. I guess I don't need to look for a common worker, do I?"

Telhas grinned.

Korak sighed. "Ah, yes, just what I thought."

"Will you get me this information?"

Korak nodded. "Sure. And regarding your first request, I will find you a volunteer. But you really should visit us. Some advice may improve our training program."

"I will see if I can find some time in the near future. Take care, old friend, and watch your back." Telhas smiled.

Korak returned the smile. "Watch your back as well, Telhas. The universe is a hostile place."

The screen turned black. Telhas left his office and went to the balcony in the atrium and enjoyed the view at the mountains through teh atrium's windows. He wondered who was Aeryn's father. Hopefully not a friend or an ally. Politics were already complicated enough.


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