
Building Blocks, 2-Reports

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 10:12pm by Captain M'Mira & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD

938 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 4 - Like a Thunderbolt
Location: Science Department
Timeline: MD-04

As Feeva and Marcus waited, Feeva attempted to make conversation.

"So. How are you settling in?" She asked.

The doctor took a sip of coffee. “I’ve not had much time to settle in.,” Marcus responded. “Seconds after arriving I was on the mission. Then a shift in sickbay and many hours of research.” He sat his coffee down. “But I’ve really never settled anywhere. What brings you to the Raeya Sector Block and to Faltan III?”

Fee nodded. "Orders," she said, plainly. "It wasn't my first choice of posting," she said. "Vissia is back in the Beta Quadrant," she said. "That's my home planet. I was hoping for a posting to Starbase 36; it's nearby. I worry about me dad," she said.

Marcus paused, “I understand that.” He took another sip of coffee. His caffeine addiction had been strong even since his medical school days. “My parents are on Earth, but my two brothers are in Starfleet too. My oldest brother is a Captain and my younger brother is the First Officer of the Shanghai.” He paused not wanting to show emotions. Few knew the fate of the USS Shanghai as she had been reported lost with all hands in a temporary anomaly. The scientist in him knows his younger brother is gone, but the believer knows that time is relative. He broke the silent pause with, “do you have any siblings, Lieutenant?”

Feeva nodded softly when he spoke. "I see," she said. "A captain? Wow, impressive," she said. "Is that in your future?" She asked him. She sipped at her tea, too. "Me? No, I haven't got any siblings. Just me and me Da. On Vissia, we use cogenitors to procreate, so even if he'd wanted more, he'd need to find another woman first, and then get permission, and then find a cogenitor he trusted and liked to complete the act," she said. "It's not a simple thing, so we tend to have small families. If there's multiple children, it's either twins, or they're a wealthier family," she said. "We still have a monetary system," she said, "Though it's mostly for trading."

“Nice to know. To answer your question, I have no plans to be a Captain. Someone with my track record, isn’t Captain material,” the doctor paused. “I’m a doctor. I’ll leave starship command to someone like you.” Marcus smiled then took a sip of coffee to try and hide it.

Feeva chuckled. "Not me," she said. "I don't have the constitution for it. I hate the bureaucracy and politics," she said. "Just me and my microscope." She glanced at her chronometer. Where was that cat-woman?

Marcus smiled at her response. He glanced at the time on the LCARS. “Tell me, Lieutenant. What’s seems to be going on here? I’ve only met Commander M’Mira in passing.” He paused, “I guess what I’m trying to say is… is she always this late?”

Feeva shrugged. "I've no idea, this is my first time meeting her formally, as well," she said. "I wouldn't assume so. I hope she's just delayed by something important," the scientist said.

Marcus sat his coffee cup down. “Well, I’m going to find out.” He tapped his communicator. =^= “Alexander to M’Mira” =^=

Feeva simply nodded.

M'Mira was sulking in her quarters. Her command was at an end. Worse, it was in favor of some canine shifting individual and his hot-headed half-Klingon wife. Why could she not find a worthwhile husband, she wondered. Mom always said that she should have stayed home to find one, but no.... She had to go to Starfleet.... Sipping on a stronger than normal White Russian with triple the cream, she answered bleakly, =^= What can I help you with? =^=

Feeva responded instantly. =/\= Ma'am!! Dr. Alexander and I have found something in the wheat that the Faltean people use as food! Would you like to come down and see it or shall I send it to your PADD? =/\= Fee had read that the Commander had a science background herself, so she wouldn't necessarily need to see it up close.

=^= What do you mean, what have you found? No, no. On second thought, I will come to wherrreverrr you arrrre. =^=

==/\=In me labs! See you soon. ==/\==

Fee tapped off, and turned to Marcus. "She'll be right up."

Within a few moments, M'Mira sauntered into the labs. Her tail was down and her normal smile was missing. "What is it?" M'Mira asked.

"Genetically modified wheat," Feeva replied. "Take a look; you've a science background," she said. "It is not a naturally occurring amino acid; at least, not one I've ever seen..." she paused to inhale, and make sure she wasn't prattling. "I think it's been purposely done," she said, her roughly accented Standard resonating in the now-quiet room. "Eh, Doc?" She looked to the man for confirmation.

"But forrr what purrrpose?"

Feeva simply shrugged. "I'd assume it was originally to make the wheat more stable if the atmosphere had some sort of problem out here," she said. "Perhaps it simply...went wrong." The Science officer was a bit naive at times, and always assumed the best first.

“Commander, based on the amino acids this is from an outside sources. It’s not native to any of the planets in the Raeya sector,” the doctor paused. “I might be a pessimist, but I think it’s poison or sabotage.”

Feeva sighed. "That's what I was hoping didn't happen," she said. That changed the entire course of things. Damn it.

"It would not be surrrprrrising. Goverrrnorrr Taga has been quite deterrrmined about contrrrolling the population of Faltan.



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