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Bullet of Evidence

Posted on Sat Oct 13th, 2018 @ 5:10am by
Edited on on Wed Feb 20th, 2019 @ 1:11pm

791 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Science Lab, Science Hub
Timeline: MD07 - 1035

There was a pile of work on Cav’s desk, and he hadn’t even been at it for more than a couple days now. He wasn’t sure if he liked it that way or not yet. Cav always liked to keep his mind occupied, but all the running around cut severely into his downtime, which wasn’t ideal. Still, he knew that one thing he had to run down was the assassination attempt on the captain. All of this was connected, that much was obvious, and if he could figure out one shooting, perhaps it’d clear up some questions on the other. He and his people were still trying to run down the phaser which might have assassinated the Faltan governor.

Cav had to admit, though, the archaic old slug-thrower that had been used on Captain Refelian caught his interest. It was a weird way to try to kill somebody. Whoever had done it had Cav’s curiosity. The science lab was a good size, and Cav whistled softly as he sauntered into it. His last colony posting had been a smaller place, and even if this station was older, it was still in good shape. Stopping a passing tech, he said, “Hey, how’s it going? You know where I can find Lieutenant, uh...” He snapped his fingers, trying to call up the name. “Rai’z? The boss around here, I guess?”

The lab he had entered into was one of many, and the technician directed him towards what had been a smaller nonspecific lab just off of it, that had been turned into one for Forensics. Within this lab were the usual items such as desk counters, replicators, and holographic emitters, and its own specialized equipment for examining and analyzing physical evidence found at crime scenes.

Just inside, Mika sat at one of the desk counters before a monitor entering some notes. He heard the lab room doors open and gave a quick glance before returning to the screen and to what he had been typing. "Lieutenant Hakin?" he asked, having noted the security officers uniform.

“That’s me,” the Risian replied as he came over, hands in his pockets as he admired the science setup. “Call me Cav. Man, this is a nice place you guys have set up here. I always like coming to the labs. Everything’s all clean and shiny and you guys have the machines that go bing.” Somewhere, a piece of equipment issued a soft digital beep and Cav grinned. “I love that.”

Rising out of his seat, Mika had smiled at what Cav had said. “Nice to meet you, Cav. I’m Doctor Mika Rai’z.” He extending out a hand for them to shake. “I have some information for you on the bullet that was removed from the Captain during his surgery.”

Their hands released, Mika lead him over to a LCARs table in the middle of the room. Touching a panel on the table’s surface, he pulled up the lab results and an image of the bullet. “We were able to retrieve a partial fingerprint and some DNA; both are Faltan.” Then after sliding the results and image off to one side, he pulled up another image, one of a firearm. “And based on the rifling characteristics of the bullet, we've determine it came from this specific model of a Faltan game rifle.”

“Well, that’s pretty specific,” Cav replied, looking at the results. “Not just a rifle, but a Faltan game rifle. And then somebody else shoots the Faltan governor with a Starfleet phaser. Yeah, that’s not weird. I don’t suppose we have any access to the Faltan databases for that fingerprint?”

"I don't know," Mika replied. "My security clearance doesn't go that high... But I have a feeling that we do not. And the only way," he gestured at the bullet image, "we can determine which rifle this came from is to have access to those as well."

“I doubt the Faltans will do that for us. We’re not their favorite people right now. Back home, you had a dispute like this, you’d throw a party on the beach. Everybody show up, get drunk, hash out their stuff, eat so much fish you don’t wanna fight anybody.” Cav shook his head, wondering why everywhere couldn’t be so straightforward. “This is really good stuff, Doc. I owe you a drink.”

"Alright," Mika smiled, "I'm going to hold you to that...and you're welcome."

Cav nodded. “You got it, Doc. I’ll see you around.” He looked at the computer one more time, lost in thought as he ambled out of the lab. Somewhere, a computer binged and he smiled.


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