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I Got a Gal Who's Tough But Sweet!

Posted on Tue Dec 4th, 2018 @ 11:37pm by Commander M'Mira & Candy Templeton
Edited on on Mon Mar 11th, 2019 @ 2:22pm

815 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: En Route to VIP Quarters
Timeline: MD02 - 2010

Candy allowed herself to be led off by Commander M'Mira. Apparently flattery got one everywhere with the Caitian and Candy knew that the time was now to take advantage of it, before the command crew could get together and formulate some sort of joint strategy. "So, Commander, how long have you known the Captain and Commander?"

"Just since I got herrre," M'Mira replied simply.

"How do you all get along?" Candy returned in kind.

"Mint's my BFF!" M'Mira proclaimed proudly. "Like I said, she got me these nail designs that arrre so prrrretty," she purred. "The Captain? Well, he has a dog. Poorrr, useless, crrreaturrre. I do not underrrstand why anyone would keep one in captivity and why they would so willingly go into it. Laddie, he calls it. Not a dignified name, eitherrr."

Candy laughed at that. "I'm more of the solitary type, myself. Though, I suppose that I do not have a lot of time to make attachments but Mint's from my past, so we're old friends."

"How's that? She did not seem to rrreact like a long, lost frrriend. Why?"

"It was silly, really," Candy replied. "She was sleeping with me and my brother. I was young and stupid and some things were said. I had hoped they were forgotten."

M'Mira's jaw dropped open. She had not thought that Mint slept around so much, let alone with women. M'Mira did not have an issue with that but considering she was so stinky, it marvelled her how men just naturally turned their heads at Mint when she could barely get a glimpse and she knew that she was a gorgeous Caitian.

"What's so shocking?" Candy asked, trying to hide the amusement from her face.

"I...I didn't think that Mint, um, well, laid with women."

"Oh, it isn't often that she has," Candy admitted. "Most women don't like her. I suspect it has to do with her Orion heritage. She can't be blamed for that, now can she? And it was fun at the time," Candy added for emphasis.

Still thrown off, M'Mira answered, "Well, as long as you had fun...."

"Oh, I did!" Candy said enthused. "I doubt I will ever have fun like that again," Candy admitted while being purposefully obtuse as to the nature of Candy and Mint's past. "Anyways, I suspect working with your BFF, especially when the Captain got shot, must have been really simple."

"Not rrrreally," M'Mira admitted.

"Why not?"

"It was nothing that Mint did. It was just what happened afterrrr. Rrromulan Ambassadorrr kidnapped. Securrrity killed. Marrrines trrrying to push theirrr weight arrround. Chief Engineerrr not arrrriving on time, making me worrrk much more, doing two or thrrree jobs, depending on how you count. No extrrrra crrrredits for it, either, mind you. At least being the hostess of this cerrremony has been fun but I'm well overdue for a mani-pedi and severrrral naps."

Candy mentally noted everything but also had to laugh out loud. "M'Mira," she assured the Caitian, "you have the best looking nails that I have ever seen. I do not think you're overdue."

M'Mira blushed. "You'rrre rrreally too kind but I think my cuticles could use some worrrk. A massage might be nice, too. Severrrral white rrrrusians with extrrra crrrream?"

"I'll tell you what! It's a date! We'll go out and paint the town red. What do you say?" Candy offered.

"Um, I think that sounds wonderrrful. Maybe Cat can manage not to blow up the station while I'm gone."

"Cat?" Candy asked innocently.

"Chief Engineerrrr. Have you seen her prrrofile? Herrr official picturrrre looks like she's begging for suitorrrs. And oh, my God! She can't be botherrred to look at worrrrk that has been done but had to summon me? Can you believe the nerrrve?! She summoned herrrr Commanding Officerrr like I was to reporrrt to her. Lots of nerrrve that one!"

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I bet that she did not know what she was doing."

"You think she's stupid?" M'Mira asked with a large smile crossing her face, confirmation of her suspicions nearly there.

"I think that perhaps she needs some refinement. If you would like, I could speak to her."

"Oh, no, no! That would not be prrroperrr!" For emphasis, M'Mira waved her paws about and her tail swished back and forth rapidly.

"She need not know. Consider it a favor for a friend?"

Hesitating M'Mira answered, "I'll...I'll think about it, Candy."

"Wonderful," the reporter answered happily.

M'Mira realized that they were now at Candy's room. "Ah! I see we have arrrrrrrived." She opened the door for Candy. "Enjoy yourrr stay!"

"Oh, I think I will," Candy responded with a large grin. "Just remember my offer...." She allowed the last word to linger.

"I will, Candy. Thank you. Good night." With a flick of her tail, M'Mira returned towards the direction from which she came.


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