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Explosive Time

Posted on Sun Dec 9th, 2018 @ 4:55am by Major Michael Tritter & Major Sam Braddock

1,369 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Main Landing Pad
Timeline: MD04 - 0945 Hours

Sam had stepped into the hallway and ducked into a secluded corner. Tapping the commbadge, he opened the channel.

“Braddock here, go ahead.”

=A= Major, this is Gunnery Sergeant Medina. We’ve got a situation over at The Jetty. Looks like some Marines and Klingons have gotten into a fistfight. Security is already on scene and requesting the Command Duty Officer. A vehicle is on route to your location. =A=

Sam frowned at this. If there was a bad time for his Marines to engage in such a display, it was definitely now.

“Thanks, Gunny. Be there in 5. Braddock out.” He tapped his commbadge again.

“Braddock to Tritter and Haversford.”

The Major had been on patrol in a seperate section of the Station when his comm badge went off, he stopped for a moment, he than tapped the comm badge and replied with "Major Tritter, go ahead"

=A= There’s a disturbance happening over at the Jetty. Security’s requesting us over there. Send me your location and stand by for pickup. Braddock out.=A=

Tritter took a moment, he than replied with "En route", the man's heavily accented voice delivered a short and directed reply to the other Major. With that, he would than make his way towards the location specificed by Major Braddock.

The Colonel rolled his eyes when he heard that Marines and Klingons had gotten into a fist fight. They never seemed to get along nicely.

“Understood, Major. I’m on my way.” Haversford replied before closing the comm and shutting down the computer on his desk before taking the walk down the landing padd.

Tritter had scanned the area and studied the situation, his initial reaction would be to step in, but he knew the Colonel was on his way and he opted to wait. Nothing different than any of the fights he had broken up in the past.

“Report, Major Braddock?” Haversford ordered as he arrived, a commotion still going on between the Marines and Klingons.

Looking over to the Colonel, Sam shook his head. “It’s still going strong, sir. We’re trying to figure out a plan now.”

Haversford looked at what was going on and only felt disappointment, Refelian would be chewing his ass for weeks over this.

Sam was standing on the periphery of the docking platform, watching objects and fists fly, the sounds of the thuds of bodies coming through the din of raised voices of both Klingon and Standard. This was far too dangerous to tackle on his own and sending in a security team would likely result in casualties. Turning to an armored security officer who was opening a black and grey crate, Sam moved closer and watched as he pulled out a phaser rifle and powered it up.

“What’s the plan?” He asked the security specialist, a Senior Chief Petty Officer.

The Senior Chief looked to the bar and back. “Well, sir. We can go in head on but I wouldn’t recommend it. It might help to thin out the crowd a bit. I’d try phasers on a wide beam and maximum stun“ He said, hefting a rifle and handing it to Sam.

Sam thought for a moment. “If we want to cause a diplomatic incident, that’s the way we’ll go. Do you have a sonic amplifier unit and a stun baton.” He asked?

The Senior Chief pulled a collapsible baton from his belt and handed it over along with a small device roughly the size and shape of a tricrder. Clipping the device to his belt, Sam turned the baton over in his hand and adjusted the power setting to maximum. “I’m going in. Senior Chief, you’re with me. Tell your people to keep back but be ready for the mop up.” Tugging on his dress uniform jacket, he carefully made his way up the stairs, the Senior Chief in tow and slowly pushed open the boundary gate. As it slammed shut, he could a group of sixteen Marines holding their own with fists and feet against roughly the same number of Klingons. It was truly a sight to behold- one Marine was even swinging from a deuterium fuel line, feet flailing wildly before landing against one particularly surly Klingon who began to viciously pummel him with strikes to his chest and ribs. This particular Klingon was the first to get a jolt with the stun baton, which elicited a guttural growl of pain as he received pulses through his nervous system. Another love tap in the small of the back brought the Klingon down to his knees. Extending the baton, Sam caught the Klingon under the chin, knocking him out. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the Senior Chief swinging his baton indiscriminately, striking Marine and Klingon alike.
Hearing a metallic scrape of hard Targ leather boots against the docking platforms surface, Sam was too late to avoid catching a Klingon boot to the stomach. Sam flew back into a small metal barrier , stars erupting in his vision as the wind was knocked from his lungs. Struggling to get back up, the slightly glazed eyes of a drunk Klingon loomed over him before they suddenly grew wide and slipped out of his view. There was a meaty thud as the Klingon hit the deck to reveal the grinning face of the Senior Chief standing over him with an extended hand.

“You owe me, Major.” He said, pulling Sam up.

“I’ll buy you a drink.” Sam said weakly as he regained his own footing.

Looking around, Sam could see that the stunned Marines were getting back up and either trying to stumble off of the platform or going back towards the Klingons who were also regaining their footing. Now, several members of the security team were joining the fray, taking anyone who was disoriented into custody and separating them. Noting the ones who still were managing to get back up. Sam tapped his commbadge and stuck two fingers in his mouth, unleashing an ear shattering wolf whistle.

“Marines! Stay. Where. You. Are. We’re not through yet!” Looking over to the Senior Chief. “Find out who started this and turn them over to Lieutenant Masters.”

Several of the Marines stopped dead in their tracks and the Klingons simply watched as this relatively small man gave his orders. Reaching down on his belt, he clicked off the amplifier and tapped on his commbadge.

=A= Braddock to Tritter and Haversford. Incident is contained. You gents care to join me? =A=

Tritter heard the reply from Braddock, something seemed off to the man however. He than tapped his comm badge and replied with "En route" He would than make his way to Major Braddock's location. To which, it was obvious that there was some type of conflict, but he wasn't sure entirely what had happened, but he had a decent idea of what had gone down.

Colonel Haversford followed Major Tritter as they approached the bird of prey. The situation seemed to have eased but he wasn’t overly impressed with marines getting into a fist fight with a bunch of Klingon’s, who were on a Diplomatic mission. The Colonel knew he was going to get chewed out by Refelian for this. “SitRep, Major?”

“It’s mostly contained-“ Sam’s speech was interrupted by the sharp pop and crackle of a shock baton that punctuated the air. “Security is separating everyone now and determining the cause of the incident. No external damage to the Bird of Prey, sir.”

“Well done, Major. Do we know who the main culprits are....” Before Haversford could finished his sentence a flash of light, a loud bang and extreme force threw everyone to the floor. Shock over came the Colonel his body felt numb for a few moments then extreme pain kicked in. His entire body was in pain, he opened his eyes and looked around at the chaos which had engulfed them, body parts and blood could be seen all over the place with Klingons and Starfleet alike calling out for help. Haversford was overcome with the urge to close his eyes, he slipped into blackness.


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