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A simple meeting

Posted on Thu Oct 22nd, 2020 @ 12:06pm by Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 3.5 Faltan proudly welcomes ... The USS Kumari
Location: Promenade


Kara was enjoying time away from being cooped up in quarters with Briana. She proudly pushed her daughter along the Station promenade in her pushchair as she took a gentle stroll. It was nice to be feeling more herself again.

Walking the opposite way was Thex her eyes looking out at the ship that was her new home. All things were now up and running and it was just a matter of time before the ship got underway.

What would they find out in Klingon space?

Kara was so busy looking in a shop window she didn’t see someone else coming until she almost ran her over with the pushchair. “I’m so sorry!!” Kara offered an apologetic smile. “I was lost in thought, I should have been watching where I was going.”

Thex had been to busy looking out of the viewscreen when she almost bumped into the mother and child. " No I'm sorry I should have been looking where i was going. Is the little one okay?" she asked with concern in her voice.

Kara nodded. “She’s fine, takes more than a minor knock to disturb this one!” Kara smiled warmly. “I’m Kara Quinn-Chaim, Station Counsellor.”

" Thex. Chief engineer of the Kumari. Just needing to stretch my legs. " Thex replied returning the smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Thex” Kara smiled warmly. “Would you like to walk together? I’ve not really taken in that much of the promenade myself as yet and it’d be nice to have someone to walk with.”

" Sure i've barely seen the station promenade myself. How old's the little one may i ask?" Thex said falling into the side of the mother and daughter.

“Just a few days old” Kara smiled proudly. “This is our first trip out together since Briana was born. I got fed up of sitting around. Thought I’d see if there was anything interesting to buy.”

" It must be nice to have found your mate. I've had real luck in that department, not that there's anything regrettable about being a neuter." Thex added before realising Kara may not know what she was talking about. " Sorry about that i keep forgetting most people don't know much about andorian sexuality. A neuter is an andorian that's not found it's quad mates yet."

Kara nodded. “I’ve heard that Andorians have an unusual bond ritual, no doubt you’ll find others eventually. I’m just lucky, Tomer and I hit it off the moment we met, it was love at first sight.”

Thex let out a slight laugh at the unusual bond ritual comment. " Unusual is putting it politely. How my species lasted this long is beyond me. I'm glad for you that you found someone who makes you happy. Are you both serving on the station?"

Kara nodded. “Tomer is the Assistant Chief of Security here on Faltan. Actually your Captain is my father!” She grinned. “I used to be Chief Counsellor of the Kumari before I moved here with Tomer, we met on the Kumari.”

Thex was quiet for a moment. If only her own fathers was so understanding instead of being crazy religious fundamentalists. " Well, I'll make sure to keep him and his ship safe. Can't have the little one growing up without her grandfather can we."

Kara smiled warmly. “I’d appreciate that. I’ve only recently had a chance to get to know him and I’d him to be around for a whole lot more years yet!”

" Well he has one of the best engineer of the fleet running his ship so I'll make sure he comes back." He says we should be off to klingon space." Thex replied.

Kara nodded. “I hope the ship doesn’t have to leave too soon. I’d like some time with my father before you have to go again.”

" You'll have to ask him about that. I've just been making sure the girl's systems are ready to go. " Thex responded. " Know of any good places to relax on the station?"

"We have some holodecks, an arboretum, and I believe there's more." Kara smiled. "To be honest I haven't explored much as yet."

" Sounds like there should be a lot to do to keep me occupied during shore leave. I wonder if there's somewhere i can show off my dancing." the blue girl said with a grin.

“There is a club on the station I believe.” Kara nodded. “Feel free to enquire with the management there.”

" Thanks, I will. Not everywhere's good for Orion style dancing." the Andorian explained.

“Of course” Kara smiled warmly. “I’m sure there’s those who would appreciate it though. To be honest I’ve never seen an Orion dance before.”

" When a master is doing it it truly is a sight to behold. They don't call the dancers animal women for nothing." Came Thex's reply.

Kara smiled. “I’m more of a reserved dancer myself. I’m usually the one who either hides a corner or waits for company!”

" I use to be like that. My mentor helped me come out of my shell. Though i know it's not for everyone." Thex replied.

“Considering I’m the station Counsellor, I should be more outgoing!” Kara smiled. “Last time I let myself go I met my future husband and wound up expecting this little one.” She grinned. “Strange how life works sometimes.”

" Indeed it is. I'm going to start teaching it on the ship. Hope i don't mess it up." The andoian nodded in reply with a smile.

“We all make mistakes, it’s how you handle them that makes all the difference.” Kara smiled warmly. “Persevere and you’ll find it’ll be worth it.”

" My mentor told me that. It's been a long time since i've seen her and i hope she's okay." Thex said looking out the window at the stars.

“Perhaps I could help you find out?” Kara looked at Thex. “As a Counsellor and a member of the senior staff I have access to certain channels.”

" I thank you for the offer, but she's on an undercover operation with Starfleet intelligence. Last time we talked was two years ago. She said she'll call me when intel pulls her out. " Thex explained.

Kara nodded. “I understand, I hope you hear something from her soon.”

" So do i. She was more of a mother to me than my own mothers were." Thex replied.

"Well if you ever need a hand finding anything out let me know." Kara smiled.

" I will. " Thex replied before a bleep from her comabdge made he stop. " This is the chief go ahead." She said as she tapped her badge. " Chief we need you back here the slipstream drives playing up again."

Letting out a sigh Thex turned to look at kara. " Looks like i have to run. I'll see you around the station when we get back."

Kara nodded. “I’ll be here” she waved Thex goodbye and headed on her way.



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