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A Ferengi State of Mind

Posted on Mon Nov 2nd, 2020 @ 4:25am by Commander Liam McCarthy & Lieutenant Tristian Hudson

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: Diplomacy, what’s that?
Location: Faltan Station


Tristian had entered the concourse that housed the Ambassador's current residence he was placed. The green gardens and ivy around the station was relaxing and continued into the hallway that led to the Ferengi's quarters.

Doctor Hudson had his medical kit with him. He was completing a requested house call on part from Commander M'Mira. They had both agreed it would be a good idea to check in on his health, avoiding any sort of diplomatic incident.

Meeting up outside the Ambassador's quarters stood two Ferengi guards. They sneered as his presence had arrived closer to them. He noticed they were armed with Ferengi Phaser's and looked none the happy to be standing.

"Gentleman." Doctor Hudson stopped short outside the doorway. "I am Faltan Station's Chief of Medical, Dr. Hudson. I am here on a standard medical statutory clearance for the Ambassador. I am here on request by the Station's Commander M'Mira. She personally wants to see the Ambassador has not incurred any trauma from our recent guest." He acknowledged, without further information.

The guards seemed unphased by the Doctor's proclamation. Their hands reached out slightly as they did nothing to let the Doctor by.

"I know you understand English. I know you understand who the Commander of this Station is. By not allowing me to check in on the Ferengi Ambassador, you are forfeiting your rights to stay on this Station as per Section 3.2, Code 901. Subsection .8 Any orders disobeyed, waived or un-adhered too, you risk disbarment from Station Operations." He paused, stepping up to the tallest of the two Ferengi's and met eye to eye with him. "Your failure to do so, will relinquish any Ferengi Contracts you either have, forfeit in doing so, and will not be collected upon, nor received per Station and Federation Management and it's Allies. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my Mouth /Ferengi/." He growled.

"Your Commander will want to hear this, so I am leaving a statutory declaration of dismissal of his contracts." He held the padd. "Now is your last chance to follow through with my orders, as per the Station Commander M'Mira." He stood there, looking in his eyes for three more minutes not budging.

The Ferengi guards turned to one another gave a guttural growl and said, "You will wait here. I will go talk to the Ambassador, Hu-Mon."

"Certainly." Tristian, stood down. Within he couldn't believe that it would be this easy? It was total BS. He would have to keep his eyes and ear's open when he had entered the Ferengi Ambassador's suite. He wasn't there to cause trouble though.

The Ferengi guard came back and said, "The Ambassador said that he would see you. He and his attendants are waiting within."

Tristian nodded. He then entered in to the Ambassadors suite. Inside there was a few dining areas and seating, and visual entertainment with a scene overlooking the manicured grounds outside of the base.

"Your Excellence. Ambassador." He stopped, short in front of him. "I am Lieutenant Tristian Hudson. Station's Chief of Medical. I am here to perform a standard medical check up, as per the many amenities afforded to you while residence on the station. You are our guest, and Commander M'Mira has offered to ensuring that you have had no lasting anxiety impacts from our... prior guests intrusion." He then held his Starfleet Medical Kit, "It would be my honor to have you accept me as your residency Medical Doctor. I assure you, the highest standards of Federation Medical Technologies are afforded to you, Ambassador." He almost set it up as a bonus for the Ferengi to greedily accept the freebie.

Three women surrounded the Ferengi Ambassador. To his right was a Bajoran. Directly behind the Ferengi was a human woman. She stood all of five feet two inches in height and barely could see over the Ferengi, so she tended to move to one side. She had a short torso which was made up by the fact that she had legs that stretched for days. Her hair was an uninspiring medium brown but her brown eyes were large and encouraged people getting lost in her eyes. To the Ferengi's left was a Trill. He looked over at the Trill who bent down and whispered in his ear. "I am Nidor. To my left is Mahjur. Behind me is Livia. To my right is Mowu Let. I have been advised that there is no such standard check up and that Ambassadors and their staff are immune. Please tell me the basis for this checkup and the real purpose for your visit."

"Well, Ambassador." He shook his head giving a bit of concern. "Not that I would want to spread the word, but there has been a nasty outbreak of Gylenia Anaphasia. It can be transmitted through various means. So far, it has been contained. You do understand, this is explicitly confidential information Sir, Ambassador." He stressed out of concern.

"I didn't want to scare you or your fine staff. It is your prevue to turn down the medical of course, but... That wouldn't be advisable. The rash that has been presented is very infectious and burns uncontrollably to the state of anguishing debilitation. If I can have identifying scans now, I can stop it with a simple scan to see if you have been infected." He shrugged, he then paused. "I don't want to push my authority on you or your fine staff Ambassador. As I have said, this is top secret, the station Commodore does not want this to get out." He gestured with his kit. "I can take leave now? Are you objecting to the virus scan?"

The Trill bent down and whispered in the Ferengi's ear again. "You may run your scan," the Ferengi finally decided. "But be quick about it."

Hudson didn't say a word, as he then went about his scans and checked the Ferengi. He had recieved enough data off of the subject that he needed, ensuring that there was no issues with his health. He was a healthy 30 year old Ferengi Ambassador.

"Sir, I am happy to let you know, my tricorder scans show that you are a healthy individual. You have no contagion." He then clasped the tricorder shut. He then asked him. "Any issues or concerns you may have, regarding your health, let me know Ambassador." He then nodded to the man.

"Thank you, Doctor. We appreciate your concerns. Perhaps you would choose one of my companions to escort you out?"

Doctor Ross had barely even looked at the two women. He was more than certain the words "escort him out" could have been taken as something else? The Ambassador was flattering. "Thank you Ambassador, I appreciate your time. I should be fine." He assured him. With that, he then turned back as he had his equipment safely stored back in to his case. "I will have your medical report filed to your quarters computer within the hour, Ambassador." He nodded with respect. He then eyed the two women, before he then left the room.


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