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Gifts from No One

Posted on Mon Sep 3rd, 2018 @ 11:38am by Commander Abigail Prescott & Commander M'Mira & Lieutenant Commander Sarah Dufrai

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Faltan Station
Timeline: MD06 - 0945

Mint had read Dufrai's message several times in confusion before she noticed that certain words were italicized. Quickly grabbing a PADD and isolating those words she came up with the intended message.

'the clock tower was quite clean there were three professionals very aggressive
mining camp got some information on red guards
a present sent to Faltan station tomorrow 12 people'

After she read the intended message, twice just to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, Mint rushed from the room. She needed to alert security, medical, and M'Mira. Then, realizing she should probably send a message back to Dufrai to let her know she'd received the message, she rushed back into the Captain's office. Not even bothering to sit down, she opened an encrypted message box and typed out a rushed message.

TO: Greyfox
SUBJECT: My missing earrings...

Hello dear,

Thank you so much for the lovely message! It was the highlight of my day! I wish I could see the clock tower again, it was beautiful from the Governor's office. But alas, I cannot go back to the city, too much to do, along with everything else. Especially since my favourite earrings went missing. I could have killed the little Starfleet twerp who transported my belongings. Maybe they didn't like the phaser of transport. I'd ask you to look for a new pair, but I could have left them behind.

I look forward to your gift! But I really must run for now, lots to do. Keep in touch, darling!

Lots of Love,

That done, Mint rushed out of the room again. Her first stop was to find M'Mira and show her the message. Flushed, she literally ran into the Ops command center, then hooked arms with M'Mira and dragged the Caitian woman into her own office. "You have to see this," Mint stopped to catch her breath, holding the PADD containing the encrypted message received from Greyfox. "Give it a read, then go back and just read the italicized words."

M'Mira took one look at the flushed Mint and said, "We rrreally need to do something about that color, Mint." She took the PADD and started reading. M'Mira's swishing tail sped up and then drooped. "Bloody hell," was all that M'Mira hissed as she looked back up at Mint, her pupils widening. "Do I darrre ask the next question?"

A man scratches the back of his head as he approaches the two "Commander Prescott, if I read this correctly you want to have security on yellow alert due a Romulan ship in orbit?" He blinks and continues "And now you want a full medical team ready to go for the unknown amount of injured people?" Looking a bit confused at the Commander.

Mint stopped herself from growling. "Yes," she said simply, though irritation still peeked through her words, "two separate incidences. I just received word that several people, most injured, are on their way to the station. They will need medical attention, so get medical mobilized. Get going..."

"Right..." He replied with a pencil in his hand and turned around to get the things going.

After the man walked away, Mint turned back to M'Mira. "I think it's the administrative team," she practically whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear their discussion. "The size of the group fits, and I see no reason Dufrai would send a random group of people to the station." She hoped M'Mira wouldn't ask about the clock tower bit, inquire as to why Dufrai was investigating when Mint had been so determined to not have Starfleet personnel interfere with the Faltan investigation.

"Not good," M'Mira whispered back. "You know, I could have had my choice of ships...."

"I know," Mint sighed and placed a hand on M'Mira's shoulder. "And I wish I could give you what you desire. Unfortunately," she waved her hands at the place. "Damn me and my wanting a challenge. This was not what I wanted." She pressed a thumb to the fingerprint scanner on the PADD and erased it's memory. "For now, this stays between us. It'll be hard to contain once the group of injured people arrive, but I'm hoping we can contain the fact that they're ours for now. At least until we find out what happened to them."

"Is therrre not a human saying, 'Be carrreful what you wish forrrr, you just might get it'?" M'Mira put a furry arm around Mint's waist. "I think we both got it." Her tail drooped and started to curl comfortingly around her own waist. "Not a worrrd will pass my lips. You know that, Mint. We can do this," she said with more optimism than M'Mira felt.

Mint laughed. "Definitely got more than we wished for," she quipped and leaned into M'Mira's half hug. "And I definitely think Refelian owes us both a spa day when this is over. "Now, I know you're busy so I'll let you get back to work. The Chief Engineer should be here soon and as soon as I'm done meeting with her, I'll send her your way. And thanks, M'Mira, you're a great friend, and I appreciate your support!"

"He owes us at least a couple of days," M'Mira told Mint. "I haven't had a prrroperrr pamperrring in weeks. Of course, some of that is not his fault, but still.... Getting himself shot...." She then purred at Mint, "You've always got it." Then, adding with a small chuckle, "as long as you have those nail designs."

"Ha!" Mint tossed her head back and laughed. "I'll transfer them to you tonight. And I talked to my sis, she's going to get me more. So I have more bribery for later," she teased.

"You'rrre a crrruel woman, but I love you nonetheless!" M'Mira released herself from Mint and said, "Let's get those Faltans...."

"Let's," Mint laughed and shook her head. "I'll see you later, M'Mira. Don't work too hard," she teased before strutting out the door. A visit with her Caitian friend always put her in a good mood, and she would need that to face the coming day.


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