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Rounding up the Troops

Posted on Sat Sep 15th, 2018 @ 1:53pm by Major Michael Tritter

229 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Marine Barracks, Faltan Station
Tags: Lieutenant Bradley Damon

The Major had made his way to the Barracks of his men. They were engaged in a variety of things, cards, weapons practice and a few games the Major did not understand, nor did he care to. Once he was noticed, the activity stopped, all stood and one rendered a salute and greeting to the Major, which was returned by the large man.

He than stated, "We've been called to assist with the Security of.the Station, Alpha ans Bravo companies will need to get weapons and than meet me in the PT Deck in thirty minutes." The other man replied with "Aye Sir"

The Major turned and exited the area, he proceeded to equip himself for the upcoming mission, he decided on a phaser rifle and side arm for this particular mission. He than retreated to his Office, for a chance to mentally "reset" himself. There was a part of him that also missed his family, which can make things a challenge as well.

He than took a quick shower and changed into a fresh uniform, not long after, his comm badge went off, he was informed that they were ready to go. He than tapled his comm badge and stated "Major Tritter to Lieutenant Damon, we are ready, where would you like us to stage?" His heavily German accented voice was smooth and confident as he spoke.


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