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A Day In the Life on Faltan III

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 8:46am by Captain Horatio Refelian & Lieutenant JG Casshan Kincaid

1,425 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Captain’s Lounge
Timeline: MD04 - 1800 Hours

“The situation is intolerable, Captain! Starfleet invited us to set up a embassy on Faltan under the understanding that it would be safe!” Chancellor Martok said, anger in his voice.

“I can again only apologise. We seem to be having problems with the locals. We are investigating what happened fully, Chancellor. You have my word we will bring those responsible to justice.” Refelian replied as the door chime went off. He was expecting Lieutenant Kincaid, so pressed the button on his desk to open the door.

Casshan could sense the Captain was having reactions to something or someone, so when the door opened after he it the chime he knew to remain quiet and so walked in to hear Martok's voice over subspace. Oh ho, Casshan thought as he approached the desk and put his hands behind his back as he waited.

“We want justice as well, Captain. I will be sending investigators to aid Ambassador T’datroh’s investigation. Klingon lives were lost and property damaged.” Martok said, anger still evident in his voice.

“We won’t rest until we discover who is responsible, Chancellor. You have my word.” Refelian replied, in a reassuring but firm tone.

“I’ll hold you to that, Captain. Martok out.”

The viewscreen went blank. Refelian let out a puff, as he bent down to stroke Laddy, his red setter. “Lieutenant Kincaid, what can I do for you?”

"Why did Starfleet invite the Romulans, Klingons and Cardassians to set up embassies here?" Casshan asked, the question he'd been wondering since he got to Faltan.

"I suppose the Romulans and the Klingons make sense as we're very close to both borders." Refelian said as he sat up and picked up his now cold cup of tea. "The Cardassians?" He added with a shrug. "I'm not sure."

"But the embassies are to us, not the Faltans, aren't the Ambassadors meant to be on Earth?" Casshan asked the other question that was nagging him.

“They want a say on the Raeyan Transit Corridor and Raeyan Sector Block, this is the best place to say it. Big things are coming our way, Lieutenant.” Harry said with a smile. “I’m sure these questions are the only thing that’s brought you to my office.”

"Are we going to try further diplomatic relations with the Faltans?" Casshan asked and raised an eyebrow, "and how do you know that big things are coming our way?" He added curiously.

“That’s the plan but the current situation with the Bird of Prey has taken priority at the moment.” The Captain said.

Casshan thought it interesting that the Captain didn't answer his second question then decided to come to the point. "The Romulan Ambassador has invited the other ambassadors and myself to a meeting at the Romulan Embassy to discuss the bombings along with suspects of earlier bombings at the Romulan Embassy. Tomorrow, I understand that you may need to oversee the bird of prey bombing but if you can spare some time to attend, the Ambassadors would enjoy throwing questions at you."

Refelian thought for a moment, “I’ll be there. My senior staff are handing the bombing, as well as the crashed Medway at the edge of the system. What time will the meeting be held?”

"Wait, what? One of our ships crashed?" Casshan asked worried expression on his face.

Refelian nodded, “Yes, we are still recovering the crew and finding out what happened exactly.” The Captain replied. “Never a dull moment on Faltan.” He added quietly.

"I don't want dull," Casshan said with a smile. "Respectfully."

“Good, as you you won’t be disappointed.” The Captain said returning the smile. “I’m guessing the meeting with the Ambassadors went well?”

"I don't pretend to understand the Ambassadors so soon but culturally it went well. Though we all need to get used to each other before I can direct things in Federation favour." Casshan said, "don't forget dress uniform Captain," he smirked.

“Dress uniform? It’s an official function?” Refelian asked, not eager to put his whites back on so soon.

"Every diplomatic meeting is official sir," Casshan grinned more. "I'm always in dress uniform, well a mixture of Dress and normal."

“Dress uniform is for formal occasions, I don’t call ever meeting with an Ambassador formal.” The Captain replied with a smile before sighing. “Very well, I’ll defer to your judgement. After the meeting I’ll contact the Faltan’s see if we can arrange another meeting.”

"Is there a record of the last diplomatic meeting with the Faltans? Or can you tell me about it in detail?" Casshan asked softly.

“It didn’t go well.” Refelian stated. “There was assassination attempt, someone tried to kill me.”

"A Faltan tried to kill you?" Casshan asked surprised.

“Take a pew, Lieutenant and I’ll fill you in on what happened.” Refelian said as he gestured to one of the free chairs in front of his desk.

Casshan slowly went to the chair and sat down before he gave a nod for the Captain to start his tale.

“Shortly after we arrived, I invited the leaders of the Faltan’s to come here and view the station, I knew relations had been difficult in the past but I hoped I could change that. They refused but countered with their own invitation to visit their government building. Being keen to start relations on a good footing, I agreed. The meeting went for the most part until someone took a shot from the building opposite. It struck me here.” Refelian said pointing to his neck. “The projectile traveled through my body and embedded into my spinal cord. The Faltan’s refused us to investigate and banished all Starfleet personnel from their borders. Later that evening the Governor was assassinated using a Starfleet phaser.”

"I'm glad you are still with us Captain!" Casshan smiled. "I take it a Faltan stole a Starfleet phaser and used it?"

“I’m thankful Doctor Aereen is very good at his job.” Harry replied with a smirk. “The Administrative team that was left behind on Faltan went missing along with all their equipment. We have no proof of it was the Faltan’s but it doesn’t look good for Starfleet. Someone tries to assassinate a Starfleet Captain and Starfleet retaliates by killing their Governor and conveniently leaving the murder weapon behind to point the finger at us.”

"Sounds like a set up to me-" Casshan was saying when he got interrupted.

”Captain Refelian, sorry to disturb you. I know Lieutenant Kincaid is in with you but this is very important. The Faltan’s Governor Taga would like to talk with you. I have her on the comm now, sir.” Yeoman Duffell said over the comm.

Refelian couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows as he looked at the Lieutenant. “Well that’s a surprise. Do you think her ears were burning?” He asked with a chuckle.

Casshan narrowed his eyes at Refelian. "You mean to imply that Governor Taga is the one behind the setup? Maybe a way she used to influence her people to place her in command?" Casshan asked just throwing ideas out there.

“I’m not implying anything, Lieutenant.” Refelian replied. “But I wouldn’t put it past her.” He added quietly before opening the comm. “Thank you, Yeoman. Put them through to my office, please.”

A few moments later, Governor Taga appeared on his viewscreen. “Captain Refelian, I’m pleased to see you’ve fully recovered from your injuries. Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to find who shot you or why.” The Governor said flatly.

“Yes, I have a good medical team here.” Refelian replied. “I’m sure this isn’t a ‘how are you doing?’ call, what can a I do for you, Governor?”

“Of course. Captain, I’d like to invite you and a small delegation back to Faltan City. Do what you need to make yourselves feel safe but please only a small group.” Taga said.

Refelian frowned, “Why now? What’s changed?”

”All will be discussed at the meeting. I’ll send you the necessary details. Bring that reporter with you too. I like her work.” Before Refelian could respond the channel went dead.

The Captain looked at the Diplomatic Officer, “Fancy a trip?”

"Reporter?" Casshan blinked a few times. "The news service better be on our side or..." He suddenly realised he spoke all that and blushed. "Yes of course."


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