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Let’s Have Another Chat...

Posted on Thu Jan 17th, 2019 @ 9:50pm by Candy Templeton
Edited on on Mon Mar 11th, 2019 @ 2:34pm

838 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Captain’s Lounge
Timeline: MD05 - 0600

Captain Refelian stood at his window and looked out. The Klingon bird of prey was still there leaning to one side. Once Commander Tendai recovered from her away mission she’d have to head up to the Luna facility and get that up and running so they could repair the Bird of Prey as a gesture of goodwill for Ambassador T'datroh.

Candy was more than a little interested in the Klingon bird of prey and its crash landing. She had hoped that her being called into the Captain's office would start to lead her to some explanations. She walked up to the Captain, perfectly confident and at ease. "Good day, Captain," she told Refelian pleasantly.

Refelian turned to the reporter and smiled, "Miss Templeton, please have a seat." He said as he gestured to the empty seats in front of his desk as he walked behind the desk.

Giving a slight nod of her head, Candy took one of the seats, pulled it out, smoothed her skirt and then sat down on the edge, keeping her back straight upright. Pleasantly she reminded the Captain, "Do call me, Candy." After a moment's pause she inquired, "Tell me what it is that I can do for you. Have you heard from the Faltans, yet?"

“I think for our current conversation I’ll stick to Miss Templeton.” He said giving the reporter a wry smile. He picked a PADD, placed it front of the Reporter. “Would you mind telling me what this is please?” He asked, referring to the recent article Miss Templeton had published.

Oh, I see how this goes. He wants to try and dress me down. That's why he had me sit and he's standing. Well, I know how to deal with these things. "I think it is self evident what that is, Captain. Why would you ask me a question when you already know the answer, especially as to something so obvious?"

“I thought you were a news reporter not a fiction writer as everything about this report is fiction.” Refelian said as he crossed his arms. “So what do you have to say for yourself, Miss Templeton?”

"Fiction?" she asked an offended tone coming into her voice. "I'm an investigative journalist, Captain. Everything in there has a basis in fact." She crossed her arms lightly. "Just because you do not like some of the conclusions, does not make me responsible for your choices or the facts as I found them."

“Your conclusions, as you call them, are based on fairy tales rather than actual fact. A Klingon Bird of Prey did not crash land. My Chief Science Officer didn’t resign under unusual circumstances. Commander Tendai didn’t arrive late. There is no relationship between myself and Commander Prescott.” He said firmly.

The moment that Refalian said that there was no relationship between himself and Mint, she started laughing heartily. "I understand! So, the brass came down on you, did they?" She stood up and sauntered closely to the Captain and in a sultry whisper said, "Horatio, I may be many, many things. However, I am not a liar and I make sure that I have my facts straight. You, yourself confirmed your relationship. I cannot help you made some poor choices. Perhaps you now regret them. Perhaps you wish to get on my good side. All I ever seek are the facts. Nothing but the story matters to me. There is nothing to recant here. Now, if you wish something from me, speak plainly. I tried to tell you that when we first met."

“Fine. By order of Starfleet Command, your movements on Faltan Station will be limited. Security have been informed. Any interviews with anyone will need to be approved by me. Do I make myself clear, Miss Templeton?” Refelian said firmly. He actually hoped she’d argue with it so he could kick her off the station for good.

"I see," Candy said with a chuckle. "So, because we cannot handle your own flaws and problems, you take your anger out on the messenger. Have to prove how tough you are by using the big stick." She stuck out her rear and asked sarcastically, "Do you want to spank me, too? Would that make you feel better?"

The Captain ignored the childish response from the reporter. “That is all, Miss Templeton, you are dismissed.”

Candy laughed. "I'm not a soldier, Captain or in your command. I cannot be dismissed. If you wish me to leave, I shall, for now. Besides, I have some other projects that need handling."

“Go.” Refelian said firmly.

Candy did just that. However, she walked out meaningfully and confidently. Her posture suggested that she somehow just won an important battle.

Refelian shook his head as the Reporter left his office. Perhaps he could have handled that better but making the station sound like it was in disarray made him angry. They had come to far along for it to be ruined my some cocky reporter.


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