New arrivals
Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2020 @ 2:16pm by Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Lieutenant Tomer Chaim
1,499 words; about a 7 minute read
Mission 3: Diplomacy, what’s that?
Location: Chiam Quarters
Kara was standing looking out of the window of the family quarters she and Tomer had been assigned, she missed her father. She was just getting to know him and her half sister Joanna, now here she was and her father was going elsewhere. She sighed as she massaged her back, she was six months pregnant with her first child and her back certainly knew about it. She had a fair sized bump that made for an uncomfortable night's sleep too.
Tomer came up from behind Kara and put his hands on her shoulders. He kissed his wife on the back of her neck and said, “Penny for your thoughts.”
Kara smiled as she turned to look at Tomer. "I was just..." She paused. "wallowing in how much I miss dad and Joanna." She sighed. "He's not even going to be around for the birth of his grandchild!!"
“Maybe, maybe not,” Tomer replies philosophically. “One of the hazards about being in Starfleet. The moving around. Where we go, we serve. However, wherever we go, we go together,” he told her with a smile and another kiss. “I would ask, isn’t that all that matters but I know that it does not for you.”
"It matters!" Kara nodded. "I'd willingly give up my position to stay with you, I don't plan on ever being separated from you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a loving kiss, though her bump was well and truly starting to get in the way. Though it did make for more fun when they made love.
"I would never ask you to give up anything. I would sooner cut off my own arm," he told her, making a slicing action with his hand at his elbow. He kissed her feverishly. "So, what do you think?"
"You are not going to be cutting anything off!" Kara grinned as she looked into her husband's eyes. "If they tried reassigning you without me, they'd have to peel me off you!!"
"That could leave a mark. Let's try to avoid it," he said with a chuckle.
"So, what do you think of this place so far? I know we've only just arrived but I need to know it's going to be safe for our baby here." She ran her hands over her stomach. "I'd be devastated if anything happened to him."
"It is a bit on the rough side, but nothing I don't think we can't handle," he told her confidently. "Besides, it will give him a little toughness and character. Nothing wrong with that, now, is there?" He kissed Kara on her forehead and then went to her belly, raised her uniform, kissed her distended belly and told the belly, "You're not a scaredy cat, are you? You're a tough buddy, aren't you?"
Kara grinned as Tomer’s chat with her bump lead to a very solid kick. “He does that every time you talk to him! It certainly doesn’t help when I’m trying to sleep though.” She grinned. “Have you thought about any names yet?”
"That one should take up football with a kick like that," he told Kara as he laughed pleasantly. "Well, we shall have to name him after one of my dead relatives." He considered the matter deeply. "It only need to be an initial we use, though, Kara. I want your input, as well. The religion may be mine but so are you. And, converting is huge. By the end of it, you'll likely be more Jewish than I." He laughed harder. "Now, if you could only learn my grandmother's matzoh ball soup...."
He smacked his lips together, further considering things. "What do you think of Zion?"
Kara frowned. "Seriously?" She shook her head. "What about...Zachary? It can be shortened to Zach."
"Zachary for Zack?" Tomer asked, mulling the name and letting it ruminate. "Zachary Chaim...." He then paused and said, "Zion Chaim...." Visibly, he shuddered. "OK. You're better at names."
"So does that mean you like it? Would it please your mother?" She grinned as she looked at Tomer. "I'd hate to upset my mother-in-law!!"
"As long as she has a Jewish grandchild to spoil, I really doubt she'll care too much about the name, unless it is stupid. I think you might have saved me from one of those moments with her."
Kara grinned. "For reference my love, you are not stupid!" Kara smiled as she gently cupped Tomer's face in her hands. "You are handsome, sexy, charming, funny, and I love you with all my heart and soul."
"And I am the luckiest man alive," he told Kara, kissing her fiercely. Breaking the kiss, he asked, "So what should the middle name be?"
"What about Tomer after his father?" She grinned as she looked at him. "unless there's anything else you'd like?"
"No, no! Not after me! That is like wishing me dead. Don't even let my parents hear that you suggested that. I know that you mean to honor me but we always name after the dead. It is a great honor to them. Helps us remember them, as well. Besides, the fact that you exist is the biggest honor to me." He thought harder. "How about Adam?"
Kara nodded and smiled. "I like it Zachary Adam Chaim, it has a nice quality to it! Do your think your mother will like it?"
"How could she not? It is her grandson." He grinned. "I hope he has spots." He then gave Kara a slight tickle before wrapping her in his arms and kissing her.
Kara returned his kiss before enjoying the cuddle. "Oh he'll have spots, I just can't say how much of his body will have them."
"Then how can you be so certain?" Tomer asked with a smirk.
Kara shrugged her shoulders with a grin. “They’re a part of me so hopefully they’ll be a part of him! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
"But I can't wait!" he told Kara. "It is like smelling Rosh Hashana dinner and not being permitted to eat until all the blessings have been said and all the people have arrived. Oh, I know we have to wait but still.... That's our finest creation in there." He held Kara's tummy close to him.
“Well you don’t have that much longer to wait!” Kara grinned as she ran her fingers through Tomer’s hair. “Another 3, maybe 4 months depending on when Zachary decides he wants to be born.” She grinned. “I’d really like dad and Joanna to be here for the birth.”
"Whatever you want, my love, you shall have. However, you will need to check that with them. I will move heaven and earth but people are much more difficult."
"I know." Kara grinned. "In the long run as long as you're there with me I'll be fine!"
"Oh, I'll make things more than fine," he told Kara with a devilish grin. "I'll do it even if I have to trample every Faltean on Faltan to make it happen."
"Oh no, no trampling!" Kara grinned. "We don't trample, we're nicer than that."
"Are we?" Tomer asked with an amused smile. "Perhaps I should just trod upon them? Or dance on their prone bodies?"
"How's about you just treat me to one of your marvellous back massages?" She grinned. "My poor back muscles are really feeling the weight of carrying our son around."
"Very well!" Tomer replied happily. He moved behind Kara and then removed her top. "Now, this is so much nicer...." His hands slowly started kneading into Kara's sore muscles. "Always feels better when we're close in contact."
"Mmmm I completely agree with that!" She sighed as Tomer's fingers worked their magic on her back muscles. "You do think it's a good idea us being here don't you? It will be safe here won't it?"
"Probably safer than facing the unknown in space," Tomer replied with his usual amount of thoughtfulness, which was very little about deep matters. "Besides, there is nobody or nothing that is going to harm you. I'll make sure of that."
Kara smiled warmly. "I know, but I don't want you putting yourself at risk for me. I promise you that I'll steer clear of any danger and avoid putting myself and our baby at risk."
"Now, Kara, that's not fair," Tomer pouted. "You know that I won't make you a promise that I can't keep."
"I know" Kara grinned and sighed as his fingers found a sore spot and massaged it for her. "You...have a magical touch Imzadi."
"Magical, you say?" he asked with a sly tone to his voice. He turned Kara around and said, "Perhaps we should see just how magical we can be," before kissing Kara lovingly.
"Hmmm let's!" She returned his kiss lovingly and with passion. He'd amazed get the day they met and he still amazed her now. She couldn't imagine life without Tomer.