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I'm A Doctor Not A Maid

Posted on Wed Jul 18th, 2018 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant Calista Aereen MD
Edited on on Mon Sep 3rd, 2018 @ 3:48pm

300 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Medical Building
Timeline: MD01 - 0845

Calista materialized on the ground level of the medical bay. The transport had beamed her personal supplies to the residential building although she hadn't yet been assigned a room. She'd been briefed on the state of disrepair of the medical centre but had to admit it was worse then she imagined. Not to mention most of her medical staff wouldn't be arriving for at least two weeks.

She pulled a padd out and started another list. The main floor of the medical building contained the main medical ward, twice the size of a galaxy class sickaby it connected with a large triage centre and the emergency room. Most of the equipment looked to be in useable condition but everything would have to be cleaned and sterilized. The large supply room at the centre of the level appeared to be mostly empty. They likely stopped resupplying in the wind down. She made notes of what supplies she had to work and was glad she'd at least have somewhere to put stuff once the level was cleaned.

The second level contained surgical bays, luckily they had been sealed and could relatively easily be brought back to usable status. The Med labs and ICU on the other had would all need some heavy cleaning, and it looked like med lab 2 had suffered water damage.

She continued her tour of the building spending over two hours going through each room and making detailed lists of supplies that were useable, tagging equipment and materials for disposal and throwing together a start to a schedule for cleaning and repair. As she finished she trudged back to he main floor and out into the sunshine. At least she got to breath fresh air everyday.

List in hand she headed towards the Command Centre to meet the Captain.


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