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Working out the Kinks

Posted on Tue Oct 9th, 2018 @ 7:36pm by Commander Abigail Prescott & Major Sam Braddock

1,161 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Executive Officer’s Office
Timeline: MD07 - 1100 Hours

Sam strode into the Command building clad in his duty uniform with his rank insignia glinting on the left side of his Kelly green collar. Locating the directory console, he tapped through it quickly in order to locate the Executive Officer. Picking up his stride, he removed his ID from his pocket and flashed it to the two security crewmen that were blocking the door to the elevator. As they moved out of the way and snapped off a quick salute, Sam nodded in their direction and stepped inside. Pressing the console for the third floor, Sam took a deep breath and waited as the lift shot upward. As it slid to a stop, Sam tugged on his uniform top to straighten it and walked into the hall room that served the anteroom for the staff offices. Turning in a wide circle, Sam stopped as he found the nameplate on the door for a Commander Abigail Prescott. Walking over, he tapped on the door console to get her attention.

Mint glared at the door when the chime rang indicating someone wanting to interrupt her again. "Come in," she called, forcing her face into a neutral expression. Then, she went back to writing her report while she waited for whomever was there to enter and announce themselves.

Sam walked in, centered himself on the desk, and rendered a salute. “Ma’am, Major Braddock reporting.” He said, keeping his gaze locked onto the window behind the Commander.

She tilted her head to the side, trying to figure out if this man was reporting in to her or if she'd called him at some point and forgotten. "At ease?" she sounded unsure, not from the order but from trying to figure out why he was here. "Have a seat," she said finally.

Sam dropped the salute and took a seat in one fluid movement, his PADD resting on his knee. “Ma’am, I’m here on Colonel Haversfords orders. He has advised that that due to the constant threats both internal and external, we need to establish a joint Multiple Threat Alert Center, which would allow for rapid gathering and dissemination of intelligence between the Fleet and Marines. He also advised that you had rejected the idea previously, so I’m here to bring it up and hopefully change your mind.” He said quickly.

"Hmmph," Mint leaned back in her seat and shook her head. "I don't see why we need a special task force just for that, I thought we pretty much did all of that already. But go ahead, give me your sales pitch," she smiled cheekily at him.

Sam smirked a little- she was not going to make this easy for him. “Simply put, Intel isn’t being shared between the branches. The MEU is expected to gather, process, and disseminate our own intelligence which puts us at a disadvantage, especially when it comes to tactical planning. Further down the line, this could result is unnecessary casualties on all sides, especially if either team has information we can use. All I’m asking for is a merger of our capabilities into one center where information can be shared in real time with necessary assets and people. A small number of Marines- 50 to be exact, are qualified as Intelligence Specialists and I think that adding them to this project would increase by a factor-“ Sam stopped to read over his notes. “- of 12 percent. If you’d like to check the numbers, they’re all here.” Sam said, handing over the PADD.

Mint looked over the PADD for an inordinately long time, trying to see if she could make Braddock sweat a little. "I see," she said finally, putting the PADD down on her desk. "And who do you suggest works with these Marines?" she sat forward. "Would it be our Intel officers? Strategic Ops?"

Sam smiled a little wider at this. “Both. Intel Officers would be responsible for gathering and analyzing the information, then passing it along to an Fleet and Marine Strategic Operations Officers, who would then develop and release operational plans to ships and units in our area of responsibility.” He said quickly. “We’re not just bloodthirsty grunts, you know. The Corps does occasionally issue us brains” Sam joked.

Mint acted surprised at the concept of Marines having brains. "Really? I thought they took them away when you signed up," she grinned mischievously and shook her head. "Alright, so IF we were to do this, how would it work? How long to set it up? Who would oversee daily operations? Who would this department report to?"

Sam tapped the PADD and brought up the logistical section. “Three weeks for barebones capability. Operational responsibility could fall to any O-4 level Intelligence or Strategic Operations officer with an O-3 or a CWO5 of the other service working as their Deputy to keep the process impartial.” Sam stopped for a moment and took a breath. “In terms of reporting, the department would report to the Task Force Commanding Officer but other commanders would have access to the information as needed.” Sam said.

Mint leaned back in her chair and pretended to mull over the information. Braddock had done his job, he'd convinced her of the merit of having the integrated intelligence, but she didn't want to give up the goose quite so quickly. She was having fun making the man work for his meal essentially. "So, you believe this will be more efficient for both the Marines and the Fleet, or is all of this just for the Marines?" She gave him a smirk, hinting that she was starting to toy with him.

Sam noted the woman’s smile and tone and immediately figured that he was being played with. Smirking slightly. “Both ma’am. At least that’s what the word ‘joint’ is supposed to mean.” He said, his sarcasm bleeding through before he had a chance to catch it.

Mint laughed, no longer able to hide her amusement. "Alright Braddock, you've got my seal of approval. I want to be kept in the loop, even once Refelian comes back to work, I want regular updates. Can you handle that?" She teased.

Sam chuckled. “I think you underestimate my power, Commander.” He said, a hint of faux darkness and mystery in his voice. “You’ll have them daily.” He said, his voice becoming serious again. “You’re more than welcome to put on a hard hat if you’d like to see it for yourself later on. Now, will that be all?” He asked, the eagerness evident in his voice.

Mint shook her head at Braddock's eagerness to get to get started. "Yes, that will be all. Off to the races with you," she laughed.

Sam snapped to attention and executed a crisp about face and exited the office, maintaining a serious expression until he reached the elevator where the tiniest hint of a smile crossed his face.


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