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Old Friends and Family

Posted on Wed Oct 31st, 2018 @ 10:44am by Captain Horatio Refelian & Commander Abigail Prescott

2,544 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Hangar Bay
Timeline: MD03 - 1420 Hours

Captain Hawke Prescott grinned as he stood outside his shuttle. He hadn't announced his intention to be at the station's grand opening ceremony, mostly to surprise Abigail. He hadn't seen or talked to Refelian in years, so he decided to keep his presence unknown to him as well. A nervous looking Ensign stood beside him, checking his credentials.

"A-a-alright sir, I will call the Captain and Commander here, o-o-one moment...." The Ensign tapped his comm badge.

“Finnegan to Refelian and Prescott, please come to the hangar bay... there is an unannounced guest here.”

"I hope I don't get in trouble for this..." he muttered before turning back to Hawke and giving a nervous smile.

"Don't worry, kid, I'll make sure they know I ordered you around," Hawke grinned and patted the kid on the shoulder.

Captain Refelian arrived in the hangar bay about five minutes after he and Commander Prescott had been summoned. He wa about to question Ensign Finnegan when he noticed a face he hadn’t seen for ages. “Hawke, is that you?” He said with a surprised smile on his face.

Mint, who walked in just behind Harry, peered around him when he said the name "Hawke". Her jaw dropped. "Dad?!" She moved to Harry's side, then realized that Harry knew her dad. She looked between the two men and suddenly felt ill. "Oh god..." she whispered, shock registering on her face as she realized the conversations she needed to have with both men. Men who were roughly the same age. One who was her partner the other her father. She looked between the two again.

"Harry! Nice to see you old friend! When I read Abigail's letter about you being her Commanding Officer, and of this party you were throwing, I knew I had to come see the fine she's put in," Hawke beamed at Mint. "I wanted to stop in when I heard you'd been shot, but you know how the Brass is, not a day off until their long list of demands are met." He walked over, hand extended to shake Harry's.

Harry took Hawke’s hand and shook it as he mentally joined the dot’s together. Hawke was Mint’s father.

Then he turned to Mint. "Abigail," he sounded concerned. "What's gotten into you?" He put his hands on her shoulders and held her at an arms length. "You're looking rather more green than usual..."

"I... wow..." Mint sputtered. She was happy to see him, but at the same time, wished she'd been able to have the conversation they were going to end up having via comm instead of in person. Now that she knew that he and Harry were friends, it made this whole thing much more awkward. The nausea wasn't helping matters either. "I'm fine, but. Wow, Dad... you said you couldn't make it!"

"Ehn... a father's lies so he can surprise his daughter?" Hawke grinned cheekily before pulling Mint into a hug. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mint nodded. "Just been busy and haven't eaten properly today, so I'm feeling a bit nauseous. I'll be fine after some food," she smiled and hugged him. "What about the twins? Could they make it or is it just you?" She looked up at him happily. It had been a while since they'd seen each other and she was glad it was under much happier circumstances this time.

"Afraid not, melon," Hawke wrapped his arm around her shoulders and frowned. "Neither of them could get the time off. But they sent along some gifts and their regards. I'm sure you'll get letters from them soon." He looked around and grinned. "Come on, show me around the station, I want to see your hard work. Harry, join us?"

“Erm, I don’t want to intrude on father daughter time.” Harry said, sheepishly. He cursed not reading the family section of Mint’s records. It might have saved this awkward situation.

Mint frowned. "No, Harry, I think you should join us. We can start with the command hub," she smiled at him, then looked up to Hawke and smiled. "It's not all my handiwork, Commander M'Mira and Lieutenant Tendai did most of the work." She looked around the bay and noticed too many curious faces, so she didn't say much more.

Hawke noticed the sudden awkwardness and looked between Mint and Harry. "Yes, Harry, join us, we can have time to catch up later," he insisted. "Besides it's your hard work too, well, other than when you were down for the count. Good to see you back on your feet," Hawke clapped him on the shoulder and grinned. "Never could keep you down for long."

“If you insist. I’m sure I can spare an hour or so.” Harry said with a small smile, all of a sudden his collar felt very tight. “You know me, Hawke, I get bored if I’m down for too long.”

"Always were the busy one," Hawke nodded. He kept back a bit with Harry, letting Mint lead the way to the Command Hub. "How're your kids? Last we talked your daughter was getting married. Your boy still refusing to talk?"

“Daughter did get married and now has a son called Horatio. Can’t imagine why though.” Harry said with a grin. “As for Max, he still won’t talk to me. I’ve given up hope in speaking to him really. I just can’t see it happening.”

Mint felt the sweat dripping down her back as she lead her father and Harry to Harry's office. She thought about taking them to hers, but felt it would be easier to just go straight to Harry's, the traditional place a Captain would meet with visiting Captains. The closer they got, the more nervous she felt. At least the idle talk of family and assignments behind her was slightly reassuring.

When they reached Harry's office, Mint walked straight in, as she was now accustomed to doing unless she knew Harry had a meeting going on. She turned and caught Harry's eye giving him a nervous smile. It was now or never right?

"So, Dad...I uhm... wss going to call you later to talk, but since you're here..." she felt really nervous, especially now that she knew he and Harry were old friends. " Harry and I are dating," she finally blurted out.

"WHAT?!?" Hawke stood there totally flabbergasted looking between Mint and Harry. He narrowed his eyes slightly, evaluating Mint before stepping closer and blocking her view of Harry. "Are you happy?" He whispered. "Is he good to you?"

"Yes and yes, Daddy," Mint smiled at him. "He is a perfect gentleman...well most of the time," she grinned at him. "He treats me better than you do..."

Hawke snorted and shook his head before turning on Harry. He stepped closer, a frown on his face. " think you can date my daughter without permission?"

“Erm, if I’m honest, I didn’t know she was your daughter till we saw you in the hangar bay and i didn’t really think it was appropriate to blurt it out there.” He said glancing at Mint. “If I’d of known, I would have contacted you sooner.”

Mint was smirking, trying really hard not to laugh. She'd seen this act before, but normally it was to Elaine's boyfriends, not her own. "Daddy..." she said sounding exasperated, but he didn't budge.

"Right," Hawke narrowed his eyes. "Since when did you get lazy with your personnel files? Or did you see the last name and conveniently forget to read the family section?" Hawke could barely contain his grin, but he was managing to keep the stern look. "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

“I know several ‘Prescott’s’ I don’t assume they’re all related to you. If you hadn’t heard we’ve been pretty busy. All I’ve wanted to know is if they can do the job, their families don’t concern me...apart from this one.” Harry replied with a roll of his eyes. “Obviously, I didn’t realise.”

Hawke kept a straight face, bit was starting to crack. "You didn't answer my question. What are your intentions with ny daughter?" He grinned devilishly. "Are you having sex?"

"DAAAAAD!" Mint cried, turning a dark ruddy brown. She was going to say something else but felt a sudden wave of nausea and went running for the bathroom.

“Is that really an appropriate question to ask your grown daughter?” Harry said angrily before he followed Mint to the bathroom. “You alright? Do you need the Doctor?” He asked quietly through the door.

"Normally doesn't bother her," Hawke said with a frown, following Harry over to the door. He stood there, awkwardly, before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to give you a hard time," he paused and turned to Harry. "You're the only person she's chosen as a partner that I approve of. I know you'll treat her well."

Before Harry could respond the bathroom door opened and Mint leaned unsteadily against the frame. "Sorry," she muttered. "I'm ok, I went to see Doc Aereen this morning," she looked up at Harry with a worried look. Her eyes darted to her father before looking back to Harry. "I've tried to talk to you all day, but it was so hectic I didn't get the chance. Then when I had the chance, well," she looked to her father again.

"Harry, I'm pregnant," she blurted the words out, crossing her arms over her stomach and looking at the floor. Scared to meet his eyes.

Harry frowned as the words rang in his head. “Pregnant?”

Hawke stood there completely dumbfounded. His mouth hanging open. This was not how he envisioned learning of his first grandchild. And he didn't honestly expect Mint to be the first to have children. He looked to Harry, then back to Mint, unable to form words. His hands went up, then down again, then came up to run through his thinning hair. Then he remembered the age differential, as well as the age of Harry's own children. "Damn," he said before letting out a whistle.

The shock began to subside and the news was starting to sink in. Harry smiled at Mint, “We’re going to have a baby?” He asked her again, this time with a smile on his face.

Mint nodded, still looking at the floor. When she did raise her head, tears well in her eyes. "Yes... we're going to have a baby..." she whispered, though smiled, glad he was happy rather than upset. She looked at her father and was happy to see the smile on his face as well. Hands trembling, and tears now freely spilling down her cheeks, she stepped toward Harry. "Doctor Aereen said because of my mixed genetics... full term is seven months and I'm almost two weeks..."

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to the Doctor? I know it’s hectic here but still, your health is more important.” Harry said as he moved closer and put his hand against her cheek. He gently moved her head up to look into her eyes. “Are these tears of happiness or sadness?” He asked.

"Because I kept putting it off," Mint sighed. "And well, it was go first thing this morning or put it off again." She nearly sighed when his hand touched her cheek and raised her head. "Emotions... these are tears of many emotions," she laughed. "Mostly happiness, but some fear, nervousness, and sadness from before all coming out." Mint nuzzled into his hand and closed her eyes. She put her hand over his, then moved forward and kissed him, completely forgetting that her father was there.

Hawke coughed and backed up a few steps. "I'll uh... let you two talk," he grinned at Harry. "We can catch up later. I uh, should go get ready for the party."

Harry pulled Mint in close and gave her a tight cuddle. He glanced and Hawke nodded his approval but didn’t say anything. He waited for Hawke to leave before whispering. “I love you.” Into Mint’s ear.

Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks as Harry whispered in her ear. "I love you too!" she said wrapping her arms around him. "And I don't know why I'm crying so much..." she laughed and buried her face in his shoulder.

Harry smiled, “I’m going to take a wild stab and say hormones. So, what did the Doctor say? Why are you feeling so poorly?”

"I'm at the right stage for morning sickness," she said wiping her face. "I'm on a fast track essentially, where I am in the pregnancy is equivalent to a full human woman's fourth week, going into the fifth. Also, she said you needed to go for some blood tests, to check genetics and such."

Harry listened to Mint intently, “So all is well, you’re just having morning sickness?” He asked again. “I’ll go and see the Doctor after the Ceremony. I would go now but time is running out. It is a priority.”

"More like all day sickness," Mint mused. "And smells are setting me off too. I think this may be a bit rough on me," she pouted. "And yes, the ceremony. We should get ready for that, shouldn't we?" She looked down at her belly and ran her hands over it. "At least I've not started showing yet, no time to get a new dress uniform."

“If you’re not feeling up to it then I’m sure Doctor Aereen and myself can come up with an excuse for you not to attend.” Harry said, concern evident in his voice.

"I'll be fine," Mint snaked her arms around Harry's shoulders. "I may run out a few times, but I will be fine," she smiled. "Besides, no matter what excuse you come up with, some people won't believe." She shook her head. "Oh, and I have to tell you, I told Cat Tendai this morning before I could talk to you. I was worried and needed to talk to someone and she happened to be in my quarters after I found her quite upset last night and took her back to mine so she wouldn't be alone. I'm sorry."

“That explains her acting sheepish when you asked to speak with me alone.” Harry replied. “We’re probably going to have start letting people know to stop the rumours starting, but perhaps we’ll wait until the first trimester is over to make sure all is well.”

"We will have to start with the fact that we're dating," she said running her hands idly through his hair. "But lets get through this ceremony first. And Templeton..."

The Captain couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Come on, lets get ready to party.” He said offering his arm for Mint.

Mint slid her hand into the crook of his arm and smiled. "Yes, Captain," she grinned cheekily at him. She allowed him to lead her out of his office and toward their quarters, wondering where her father had gotten to.


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