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Consequences of Circumstances (Backpost)

Posted on Thu Aug 30th, 2018 @ 12:01pm by Vice Admiral Yewande Banda & Captain Horatio Refelian
Edited on on Mon Sep 3rd, 2018 @ 3:14pm

559 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: The Return to Faltan
Location: Faltan Command Center
Timeline: MD01 - 2000


A yeoman approached Captain Refelian. "Sir, there is a priority one message from headquarters. The SJA needs to speak to you."

Harry frowned, he couldn’t remember the last time he had spoken to SJA. “Thank you, Yeoman. I’ll take it in my office.” He said, before changing direction and headed towards the Captain’s Lounge.

Once in his office he activated the main viewer. “Captain Refelian here.”

The familiar face of a Japanese man with mustache, beard, and glasses appeared. It was the Staff Judge Advocate of TF93: Commander Harunobu Ko.

"Sir, I need to speak with you about one Lieutenant Sarah Dufrai, callsign Greyfox. She was the Lieutenant who had that outburst at the O&I," Ko said to ensure Refelian remembered. "I am hoping there can be a sufficient disposition that we do not need to call a court-martial over something trivial and stupid," Ko explained.

Harry clicked his fingers together as the penny dropped. “I knew she was familiar.” He thought out loud. “What seems to be the problem, Commander?”

Harunobu blinked. He distinctly recalled the Captain present at the briefing and Dufrai's mouthing off to the Admiral had been the talk around the TF for at least the past week.

"Sir? Lieutenant Dufrai openly refused orders of Admiral Banda and was extremely disrespectful during a Task Force-wide brief," Harunobu explained matter-of-factly.

Harry smiled, “Ah, I thought she had done something else on top of that.” The Captain said. “How can I help, Commander?”

Harunobu was relieved although still wary that Refelian did not seem to care, which then clicked for the lawyer. "You haven't heard yet? Lieutenant Dufrai has been ordered to your station as your new Intelligence Chief. While she did mouth off, her operational record is top notch. Vice Admiral Desai, the Chief of Starfleet Intelligence re-assigned her as a result. On the TF93 side, I need to talk to you about issuing a reprimand. I think I can talk Admiral Banda into allowing that to stand. We will also be putting a hold on any promotion recommendations for the time being," Harunobu explained.

The news of Dufrai being transferred to Faltan didn’t really fill Refelian with joy but at the same time, there was a part of him that liked the Lieutenant. She wasn’t scared to stand up to her superiors. “I’m afraid that news hasn’t hit my desk yet, although I think we’re having problems with the Comms buffer at the moment. It’s probably stuck on the back log. I will issue the Lieutenant with her reprimand when she reports in and notify her that any future promotion is on hold.”

"Very well, sir. I will do my best to alleviate the concerns of the Admiral. Do us a favor and keep her in line?" Harunobu pleaded.

Harry didn’t relish the idea of keeping an Intelligence Officer in line. That was always easier said than done but the Captain nodded and smiled, “I’ll do what I can. Anything else I can do for the Admiral or yourself, Commander?”

"Not at the moment. I am sure we'll be in touch," Harunobu said before closing the line.

’This should be a very interesting assignment.’ Harry thought to himself with a smile.


Harunobu Ko, CDR, SF
Staff Judge Advocate, TF93


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