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Checking up on Mentality

Posted on Thu May 2nd, 2019 @ 3:53pm by Commander Abigail Prescott

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Executive Officer's Office

Despite having spoken to M'Mira beforehand, Noelle was still feeling apprehensive about meeting with Commander Prescott. She didn't know the XO, not even a little bit, and yet, Noelle knew if the rumors were indeed true, Abigail might need the emotional support she could offer. In some ways, her lack of knowledge concerning the crew and their dynamics would help her see things more objectively, but the correct touch remained to be seen. Noelle was a nurturer at heart and her natural tendency was to be an empathetic caretaker in delicate situations, but would that be welcome? Viewed as overly familiar? Bennett didn't know. She just knew she would have to take her cues from Abigail.

Mint had just stepped out of her office when she spotted Doctor Bennett walking toward her. "What brings you to the command hub, Doc?" she asked when it became apparent the counselor was heading toward her office.

Noelle smiled as she approached. Being called Doc was a good sign. If she had been referred to by her rank, this personal conversation would have seemed more awkward. Still, Bennett knew this was not a conversation she wanted to have in such an official setting. "I was hoping I could talk to you privately, if you have a moment? I have some concerns about A member of the crew." It wasn't a lie, per se, but she hopes she would be forgiven for the creativity.

"I have a few minutes now, yes," Mint wondered who the counselor could have concerns about, but knew she would find out soon enough. She turned and hit the button to open the door of her office, well, old office. She hadn't moved over to the Captain's office yet, and she knew she was delaying that. "After you," she smiled and gestured for Bennett to go first.

Bennett smiled politely in return and entered the office, taking a seat in the first chair she saw. She waited for the doors to close behind both of them before she got to the point. "The rumors I've heard concern you, Commander. Specifically, your relationship with the former captain and your present medical condition." She paused, then added, "I know I'm new here and perhaps none of what I'm hearing is worth repeating. However, I wouldn't be much of a counselor if I ignored a member of my crew when they needed support the most."

Frowning, Mint dropped herself into a chair and shook her head. "I knew there were rumours of Captain Refelian and I having a relationship, but I didn't know there were rumours about my mental status," she said, leaning back in the chair and grumbling to herself. "I am stressed, I am angry with Harry for leaving so abruptly considering the situation, and I am pregnant," she knew Bennett couldn't say anything, since she was coming to Mint as a counselor. "Yes, we were dating, and yes, I am pregnant with his child. But mental status? Other than stress, I am fine. I appreciate the concern though."

The counselor relaxed inwardly ever so slightly. She had been prepared for more evasion, but she was glad that had not come, at least not yet. "I appreciate your candor, Commander. To be clear, I haven't heard anything specifically about your mental state, but your relationship with the captain as well as your possible, now confirmed, pregnancy. I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now, anger and stress included. How may I help you? I realize we've only just met and you likely have closer friends than me, but perhaps my objectivity could be of use to you. As an aside, it just so happens I am a physician with training in obstetrics if that would be welcome." She paused, not wanting to be perceived as overly eager, but genuinely sincere.

"Right now, I don't know what I need," Mint admitted. "Harry left this morning. And not just for a little while. No, he's taken a personal leave and I'm officially commanding officer of the station. On top of that, several other officers have left now as well. There is so much I need to do that I haven't had time to sit down and think about me. Well, I did go see M'Mira last night after Harry told me he was leaving and that I'm now commanding officer and she helped me as best she could in that situation." She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. "I know I'm avoiding the issue, but I really do need to get the personnel shuffle sorted before I can sit down and think about me, about the baby, and what I'm going to do in regards to my relationship with Harry."

"Avoidance can be a perfectly understandable short term coping mechanism in times of extreme stress and multiple priorities," the therapist assured. "Still, I have it on good authority that the unborn can be lovable little parasites, especially early on, so I'm wondering what you're doing, if anything, to take care of yourself to make sure you're able to do all that you need?"

"So far? Just making sure I eat and drink something during the day," Mint shrugged. "And really, I have barely been alone since my whole world changed. I'm just keeping busy." She didn't know what else to say. She was on autopilot, going through motions and focusing on work and what needed to be sorted ASAP. Mint gave Bennett another shrug and sighed. "I guess I've just been going through the motions on autopilot."

"I'm not judging you for that," Bennett clarified. "I'm just saying, sooner or later whatever you're feeling emotionally and physically will catch up to you and the more you try to suppress it, the more likely it is it will come out when you least want it to. Giving yourself time to address this with someone you trust may actually make you more efficient in the long run."

"Once I get everything settled, I will take time to work through my emotions," Mint gave Bennett a weak smile, but her words were completely honest. She knew putting work first wasn't entirely healthy, but the station was a mess and there was just too much to do before she could take a breather and figure out how she felt about everything.

"Fair enough," Noelle returned with her own smile. She was satisfied her message had been received in the spirit in which it had been presented. In truth, she could appreciate the other woman's drive, not as a means to avoid her personal challenges, but out of a desire to take care of things a lot bigger than herself. "I thank you for taking the time to hear me out with as crazy as things have been. If there's anything I can do for you, including addressing any medical concerns, let me know. I don't doubt the current staff's abilities, but perhaps having a doctor and therapist in one would have its advantages?"

"Especially once these pregnancy hormones really start kicking in," Mint laughed. "I've been warned they can be intense, and since my pregnancy is much different from a regular human's, I may be in for a wild ride." She stood up and gave Noelle a warm smile. "It may not appear this way, but I do appreciate you coming to check in on me."


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