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Return to the Medway (Part 3)

Posted on Sun May 12th, 2019 @ 2:15pm by Captain M'Mira & Lieutenant Connor Turner & Lieutenant Kylean Amidok MD, PhD & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior & Lieutenant Srash & Lieutenant Shorish & Lieutenant Leyla Aiman-Tamar

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Medway

Shorish's piloting was true. They returned to the planet where the Medway was located. Connor called out to M'Mira, in a British accent, hailing from Exeter, Connor started, "Um, Captain, we are back. The Medway is still located on the last planet of the system. There is still, um, approximately 60% registering as there. Oh, God!" he exclaimed before holding in vomit. "There are, um, uh..." Deciding to spit out all at once before he could vomit, he rushed, "Life signs are still down there and my repairs appear to be holding."

M'Mira said, "Thank you, Turrrrnerrrr. Shorrrish, you will stay here and keep the trrransporrrterrrs locked on us. At the firrst sign of trrrouble, get us out of therrre. Amidok, you will do what you can for whoeverrrr might still be alive. Srrrash, keep the doctorrr safe and help him with any casualties. Aiman-Tamarrr, you arrre with Misterrr Turrrnerrr. Figurrre out what happened and make surrre this ship does not blow up. Cosantiorrr, you arrre with me. We arrre going to searrrch Medway for clues. Any questions?"

Leyla glanced up from the science station, spotting the same readings Connor had with the life signs. "Understood, Commander."

Shorish got them settled into orbit, making sure things were stable before turning to look at M'Mira. "Anything odd comes up, Commanderrrrr, I will alerrrrrt you."

"No Ma'am. No questions." Replied Cosantior as she pulled her away team analysis case over one shoulder, crossways on her body and secured her station.

"Prrrotect the Doc," Srash noded. "Got it, Commanderrr. No questions frrrrom me!" He nodded and stood to meet up with the doctor.

Dr Amidok was confused by what he was feeling. For the first time in a long time, he fully opened his empathic abilities, and quickly began reading the thoughts of the crew working around him. He did his best to silence those voices, as he needed to be able to focus only on the lives on and inside the planet. "Commander," he said with a puzzled look on his face, "something isn't right. I'm definitely sensing survivors are down there, but I'm also sensing... other feelings. It's like they are coming and going. It's like I'm hearing voices from the past and the present at the same time. I've never experienced anything like it before." Kylean realized he may be coming across as crazy, but he meant every word he said. "Sir, some of them are definitely emotions and thoughts of people who are dead, but that shouldn't be possible. I shouldn't be reading thoughts and emotions of people who are already dead. I don't know how to explain it any better than that."

"Let us concentrrrate on the living, Doctorrr. I want to save anyone that we can. If you can sorrrt out the details of the otherrr emotions and thoughts afterrr that, I encourrrage you to do so, but ourrr rrrresponsibility is to the living and solving this mysterrry."

Kylean turned to start to walk away, but stopped dead in his tracks. "Sir, tell me again the nature of the drive system on the Medway, please." The echoes of the dead should not be there, and he knew it. Something else was going on, but he hadn't quite made the connection. There was a word mentioned at the briefing, it meant something to him then, but since he slept, he'd forgotten it. Now he knew he needed to hear the word again. Somehow, he felt it would help things make sense.

M'Mira growled under her breath. Did the doctor not pay attention to the briefing at all? She wondered who checked the mental and physical well being of them. "Misterrr Turrrnerrr claims that it was a quantum slipstrrream drrrive frrrrom what he could discerrrn."

'Quantum,' that was the word he'd forgotten, but he still didn't understand how it mattered, or why it might be important. "Thank you, sir. Medical is prepared to receive wounded or to assist as part of an away team to evaluate casualties. The EMH can handle the injured until my return, if I go."

Was this doctor real? M'Mira wondered. Did she not order him to find casualties and bring them here? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Everrryone has theirrr orrrrderrrrs. Let's be efficient!"

He heard it. He didn't mean to, but he heard heard M'Mira's thought and he didn't want to correct her in earshot of others, especially not on her own bridge. Trying to be as discreet as possible, he leaned in a bit and spoke just slightly above a whisper, "Yes, sir, you did give that order. You told me to concentrate on the living. I can feel thoughts and emotions coming from below the surface of the planet, and some are pretty badly injured. I was just trying to convey how we may need to transport down to them to stabilize them before they can be safely beamed aboard."

He backed away from M'Mira, stood at attention and waited for what would come. He broke his promise to Commander Prescott regarding reading other's thoughts, but then again he did brief Prescott and M'Mira he would have his empathic abilities fully turned on. As strong as M'Mira's thoughts were at the time, even his best efforts couldn't block them out. He wished there was some way he could send his thoughts to her. In the flash of thoughts he heard from M'Mira, he got the impression his presence was more of an inconvenience than a duty. He wondered for a moment.., was he really sent on the mission as a doctor, or was he being used as nothing more than a living augmentation to the ship's sensors?

"The living arrre out therrre, Doctorrr. Help them first. If you have anything morrre, you will have to be morrre concrrrete." M'Mira sniffed her annoyance and strongly suspected that the Betazoid was reading her thoughts. Now was not the time for that problem. They had people to save and a mystery to solve with the Medway.

Without waiting for further arguments or comments from the doctor, "As I said, Cosantiorrr, you're with me. Turrrner and Aiman-Tamarrr make sure we keep Medway safe. Srrrash go with the doctorrr and do what you can. Shorrrish, stay here and coorrrdinate and make surrre we can beam anyone out in emerrrgencies."


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