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The Search is On

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2019 @ 10:54pm by Commander M'Mira & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior

547 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Medway

M'Mira and Cosantior beamed onto the bridge of the Medway. The corridor in which they were in had a female head half sticking out of the wall in a silent scream. M'Mira paid whomever that person was no mind and confessed to the intelligence officer, "I am not surre what we arrre looking forrr. Perrrhaps we should starrrt with the command rrrecorrrds. Something made this ship do this."

Cosantior blinked at the head, she'd tried to prepare herself but seeing it in person was disturbing to say the least. She tried to follow the Commander's lead and refocus her attention, gratefully away, from the grotesque head. She nodded, "Yes Ma'am, I can start there. From there I can backtrack the actions logs which should give us a good picture if they've not been corrupted." She went over to a station away from the unneeded reminder of the danger of Starfleet service to check the status of the system.

"Good," M'Mira told the ensign. "Get to worrrk. I will check the operation logs, as well."

"Aye Ma'am...". She bent to her task, aided by the computer which was working much more smoothly than she had expected. However, it responded to her commands, though a bit sluggishly. She may be socially awkward but computers, that she understood. It took a special code but after a moment she was able to access the command records, she began skimming looking for areas of concern. Aware that time was pressing she also activated a small program she'd brought that would quickly search the records, if they were able to get access, by locking on key phrases and marking them for further review.

Breaking into the computer M'Mira muttered in a guttural growl, "So farrrr, everrrrything looks like everrrrything was going as planned."

Shannon nodded, "It's all in logical flow..." She agreed and then leaned forward to check as the search program wormed it's way through the command algorithms. "Until here..." She points as she freezes a part in the process, "If I cross it with the ship's position you can see everything was working normally until near this spot. I have not yet found anything internal to account for the sudden change..." She said still studying the readouts.

M'Mira purred interestedly as she leaned over the intelligence officer's left shoulder. The purring sound rang clearly in Cosanitor's ear. "I see. What would cause a sudden malfunction?" The Caitian mused. "Is therrre a spike in anything internally orrr exterrrnally when Medway rrreached that point? Any rrreadings whatsoeverrrr?

Shannon leaned in closer as new data appeared. "Everything internally is operating normally until this point..." She called up the point in time she needed, blowing up the point in space they were in. "Here..." She pointed..."Sensors detected a small..." She considered the readouts. "The area around the planet seems to have an intermittent energy ripples that radiate outward. Something similar to a photonic neutrino field, the moment it hit the ship it that's when the problem occurred." She moved to look at her superior, "I haven't finished the analysis of the interaction or the source of the field but it's the only change I've found so far."

"Finish it. We have to solve this prrroblem and the soonerrr that we do so, the betterrr."


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