
Back in Command

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 8:41pm by Commander M'Mira

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 4 - Like a Thunderbolt
Location: Ops
Timeline: MD09 - 1000

Ba'zra strode up to M'Mira. Her face was looking as fierce as ever and she was flipping her Daqtagh as she walked.

M'Mira knew from her few days of experience with Ronan and Ba'zra that this meant she was either deep in thought or upset. Sometimes it was a combination of both. Either way, M'Mira braced herself for the worst.

The Caitian looked at the half-Klingon (although nobody would dare call Ba'zra that), and asked politely, "What can I do for you Commanderrr?"

The half-Klingon growled, "You can do nothing for me."

M'Mira held her ground, knowing that there was more to come.

"However, it seems that Ronan and I are going to be turning the station back over to you. We are needed elsewhere."

M'Mira's tail lifted in surprise, a small chime ringing from the bracelet she had placed on her tail this morning. "I thought that Starrrfleet felt that I was no longer capable of commanding the Starrrbase, which is why you werrre brrrought in."

"Me too," Ba'zra admitted. "Frankly, I'm not at all convinced that you should be given it back. However, your quick thinking on the planetary station seemed to convince Starfleet otherwise. In fact, they seem to now consider you an expert on the Falteans and feel that you're best suited to handling these situations."

The Caitian's tail swung from side to side with pride, little chimes sounding as she swished. All the while M'Mira tried to keep her facial expressions neutral so she would not set off Ba'zra. "I am honorrred," M'Mira responded easily.

"My God, M'Mira, would you take that ridiculous thing off? I can't even hear myself think with that thing rattling!" Ba'zra growled back at her.

M'Mira tried to settle her tail, which eventually straightened behind her. "Of courrrse, Commanderrr. I will settle it..." for as long as you are here.

"Fine. In any case, I disapprove of the whole thing but Ronan says we're needed elsewhere and I will not be without my mate. Screw up and I assure you that we will be back."


"As Ronan has already turned command to me, we must go through the ridiculous process of turning over command."

"I see," M'Mira responded, having only gone through this less than a week ago.

"Computer, this is Commander Ba'zra Jennings Channe. Transfer all Command Codes to Commander M'Mira. Voice Authorization, 6-9-Delta-Sigma-Gamma-8-1."

Smoothly, the Computer answered, "Transfer complete. USS Faltan Station now under the command of Commander M'Mira."

M'Mira did everything to not leap to the ceiling as her toothy grin beamed, "I rrrelieve you, Commanderrr."

Ba'zra answered with a defeated sigh, "I am relieved." However, a moment after that, Ba'zra growled at M'Mira. "However, I am not relieved that you are in charge of this place. With your former first officer missing, you had better make a wise choice. I have my doubts."

M'Mira merely yawned in Ba'zra's direction. "Well, it is not your prrroblem now. Goodbye, Commanderrr. Please do not let the shuttle bay doorrrs hit you on the way out."

The half-Klingon turned on her heels with an audible growl as she stalked away.



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