Mission 4 - Like a Thunderbolt

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"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. " ~~ Sun Tzu

Mission Group Falta for Faltans
Start Date Tue May 23rd, 2023 @ 8:41pm

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Title Timeline Location
Back in Command
by Commander M'Mira
MD09 - 1000 Ops
Return to Faltan Base (Part 4)
by Lieutenant JG Paisley "Mura" F'rar & Commander M'Mira & Ensign Connor Turner
MD 06 - 1830 Faltan Planetary Base
Building Blocks
by Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD
MD-02 Science Office
Return to Faltan Base (Part 3)
by Commander M'Mira & Commander Ba'zra Channe & Lieutenant Tyler Lockley & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo
MD06 - 1800 Faltan Base, Falta III
Fixit Time
by Ensign Connor Turner & Ensign L'Nari
MD 05 1700 Shuttlebay
Modern Major-General
by Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD
After Return to Faltan Base (Part 2) Medical labs
Return to Faltan Base (Part 2)
by Commander Ba'zra Channe & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD
Falta III, Faltan Base
A Pineapple
by Lieutenant JG Aimee House of Back & Ensign Dramin
MD-10? IDK. Mel's Cabaret
Dance the Night Away
by T'Zara Spel'eck & Syaffia
Promenade, Faltan Station
Back to the Planetary Base
by Commander M'Mira & Commander Ba'zra Channe & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD & Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Lieutenant JG Dr Roger Harrison Jr.
MD06-1500 Minotaur/Faltan Base
The Captain and the Duchess (Part 1)
by Nevala thu'S'Terion Ko-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor
MD06 - 1430 Faltan Station / ISW Ket-Cheleb near Faltan Station
A Final Piece of Diplomacy
by Dreyem Taga & Nevala thu'S'Terion Ko-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor
MD02 - 0900 Seantorial Warbird Cheleb-Khor
Welcome to Faltan Station
by Commander M'Mira & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo
MD05 1200 Shuttlebay
A New Doctor in Town
by Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD
MD 04 -Unknown hours of the night M'Talas Prime
A Change of Plans
by Telhas thu'S'Terion Sa-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor
MD02 - 1600 S'Terion Estate, Varanmar Mountains, Rator III
Not So Wholesomely Enforced Rest
by Lieutenant JG Aimee House of Back & Ensign Dramin
MD-06 JAG Office/Dramin's quarters
Staff Meeting (Part 3)
by Commander M'Mira & Commander Ba'zra Channe & Ensign Connor Turner & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant Tyler Lockley & Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Lieutenant JG Dr Roger Harrison Jr. & Ensign Dramin
MD06 - 1300 Briefing Room, Command and Control
When the Lizards Have Fun (Adult 18+)
by Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Tora Zalos
MD-06, 0100 Quira's Haven, backrooms
The Cold of a Case Report
by Warrant Officer Samual Johnson
Security Offices
Dance the Night Away
by Ensign L'Nari & Syaffia & T'Zara Spel'eck
Mel's Cabaret
Doors Open, Profits In
by Quira
MD05 Quira's Haven
Staff Meeting (Part 2)
MD05 - 1300 Briefing Room, Command and Control
Staff Meeting (Part 1)
by Commander M'Mira & Commander Ba'zra Channe & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Warrant Officer Samual Johnson
MD05 - 1300 Briefing Room, Command and Control
Scales and Strings (18+ Adult Content)
by Ensign Dramin & Lieutenant JG Aimee House of Back
MD-05 Habitation Corridor
Not That Kind of Hand
by Warrant Officer Samual Johnson
MD 05 Evening Spaceports

Mission Summary