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Posted on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 3:49pm by Nevala thu'S'Terion Ko-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor & Telhas thu'S'Terion Sa-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor

1,201 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Romulan Embassy
Timeline: MD02 - 1158

The Vreenak-class shuttle de-cloaked and landed gently on the ground in front of the Romulan Embassy. Telhas had piloted the vessel personally and made sure to be invisible to any Faltan patrol craft, just to make sure they would arrive safely. Now, finally, he had time for his wife. As he left the cockpit, the guards and Nevala had already left the shuttle. As soon as he was outside as well, he saw Nevala standing in front of the embassy. She looked at the building and fought back her tears. The building looked just like she had it designed. The surroundings were reflected by the mirror windows and the stone structures looked great in the sunlight.

"I hope everything is as you wanted it?" Telhas asked softly.

"It perfectly matches my plans," Nevala replied and looked at Telhas, "Thank you for building it." A tear ran down her cheek.

Telhas wiped the tear off her cheek. "Only the best for my Dearest." He smiled, and for the first time for days it was a warm smile.

How much Nevala had missed this. Since they fell in love he always called her 'his Dearest'. To her, this was the most precious 'title', more important than duchess or lady or whatever title he could grant her. She did not want him for any titles. She wanted his love, nothing more, nothing less. She felt how her eyes filled with tears again and then she let him draw her towards him and enjoyed the intimacy of his kiss as her tears ran down her face. They exchanged a few more kisses, ignoring the views of their guards. Yes, it was inappropriate to show such strong emotions in public. Even for Romulans. But they did not care. Some days ago it had not even been sure if they would meet again at all. So who could resent them their lack of composure now?

"My Dearest, what about seeing the interior?" Telhas finally asked. Nevala just nodded, so he took her hand and led her into the embassy's atrium. It covered all floors up to the roof and made the interior looking more welcoming and open. The furniture was still missing, it was just the naked floor, but to Telhas it looked just perfect.

"We need some plants," Nevala stated, "and some chairs and tables so people find places to gather. I want the atrium open to everyone, my Love, regardless if they are citizens or our guests."

"I disagree," Telhas said more strict than he wanted. He noticed Nevala's bewildered look and explained. "It would make it much more difficult to keep terrorists outside. We have been attacked once, this time I want to ensure we are safe. I have added shields to this building, very strong shields. So I am sorry, my Dearest, but I cannot allow this place to be open to everyone."

"But we will be safe, my Love," Nevala countered. "We are safe, as long as we do not interfere in the Raeya Sector."

Telhas stopped walking and looked at Nevala for a moment. "What gives you this insight?"

"Lady Victoria promised me," Nevala said and there was no doubt she was totally convinced of what she said. "She said that the attack and my abduction were meant as a warning for you to stay out of this sector's business. And I promised her that we have little interest in this place. I also explained we are just here because it is in the middle of all our diplomatic theatres. I hope this was not wrong?"

Telhas wished he had placed some chairs in the atrium. Now he could use one. "No, everything is all right," he said with a low voice as a question grew stronger in his mind until he had to ask it. "Which Lady Victoria?"

"She visited me yesterday in the estate where she held me captive," Nevala replied, "A beautiful place by the way. An oasis in the desert, with a wonderful garden and a suite most appropriate for a duchess. You know..."

This did not really help Telhas to overcome the idea of who might have been the person who abducted his wife. "Which Lady Victoria, again, my Dearest?" His voice was stricter now.

"She did not tell me her family or house name," Nevala tried to remember every detail of their conversation. "No, she did not. She just said I should call her Victoria or Vic. And her manners were so perfect, I thought she was upper class. Do you..."

"Vic?" Telhas interrupted her. "She said Victoria or Vic?" Now he was almost sure.

"Yes," Nevala smiled softly. "Are you all right, my Love?" she asked as she noticed that Telhas turned pale.

"If you allow, my Dearest." Telhas closed his eyes and sent her an image of Vic into her mind. "This Victoria?"

Nevala was still not used to his telepathy, although he had always used it gently and never without her consent. But at least she had lost her fear of this power. "Yes, my Love, exactly her." She smiled inquiringly. "You know her?"

"Only from files, my Dearest," Telhas said. He looked around quickly, noticing his guards and checking their mental signatures telepathically. They were all who they supposed to be. "This is not good." He took her hand and they went to the turbolift.

"What is with her?" Nevala asked, but got no reply. "Telhas?" Still no reply.

They entered the turbolift and Telhas entered deck three. Once there, he led Nevala to the conference room, which was already furnished, and opened a file on the main screen. It was Vic's file. "Read," he said calmly.

Nevala read through the file. Murder, mutilation, bombing, use of biological weapons, genocide... She turned pale and shivered.

"You can be happy that she let you live," Telhas said calmly, "At least I am. Of course, she did this with purpose. She knows that your death would have brought all Romulan resources against her. She also knows that this way I feel obliged to your word. I cannot fight her now, as I owe her this favour since she spared you. She is cunning, I have to admit that."

"Can... can we not leave, my Love?" Nevala asked.

"You can leave, but I have to stay," Telhas replied calmly. "My post is here, where I can best observe the Free Romulan Movement and the Sovereignty of Kahless. Here, I am the eyes and ears of the Romulan Senate. It is my task. I volunteered."

Nevala nodded and looked at him for a while. Yes, she could leave. But she felt this would be wrong. She was the Duchess of Vulcan's Forge. She was the wife of Ket-Cheleb's paladin. She was Sonara's cousin. And a proud Romulan. She could not leave as long as Telhas stayed. "Then I stay as well. You are my husband. I can overcome my fear. It will always be there, but I can control it." She forced a smile upon her face.

Telhas smiled back proudly. "Yes, I know, my Dearest. You are the Duchess of Cheleb-Khor. And my wife." He went to her and kissed her.


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