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Bonding with the Warrioress

Posted on Tue Jun 13th, 2023 @ 5:23am by Ensign L'Nari & Lieutenant Feeva Drylo & Lieutenant JG Aimee House of Back & Ensign Dramin

3,088 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Mission 4 - Like a Thunderbolt
Location: Mel's Cabaret

An hour later he found himself waiting at their designated meeting spot in the entertainment district; he'd dressed down from uniform to a simple maroon t-shirt and jeans, something neat but casual. Part of him wondered what she'd be wearing to this rendezvous - though he'd be lying if he didn't already have one or two ideas in mind.

Aimee had changed out of her uniform into a casual-but cute-outfit. She liked to dress a bit showy, so she was wearing tight leatherette leggings and a white button down-half unbuttoned, to reveal a lacy undershirt. For shoes, she wore black pumps. Her brown hair was pulled back and she'd put on a tiny bit of makeup. The jewelry she wore was the same as she'd worn to work-stud earrings and a bracelet she liked. Spotting her acquaintance, she raised her hand. "HEY! Dramin!! Over here," she called out. The young Klingon attracted attention, and she gave a LOOK to the people who stared.

Wow. He had not expected something like that. Tired as he was laying eyes on her outfit made them pop out with... er, well, a mixture of surprise and something else. God, the outfit hugged her figure so well and accented her curves so tastefully it hurt. "Well, hullo. You- you look good." He said awkwardly as he lumbered over to her feeling quite underdressed compared to her. How exactly had he managed to score a walk with this bombshell of a woman again?

"Well, I suppose we'll start with this deck. The entertainment district." He mumbled. "I think we might be coming here quite often - or in my case, whenever my duties allow."

She smiled. "Thanks. Much more comfy than my uniform," she said. "You look nice, too." She nodded. "Entertainment, huh? What kind of entertainment?" The double-entendre hung in the air, but then she smiled. "Some bases have all kinds of things-bowling alleys, holotheaters, pools, restaurants, multiple bars."

Min allowed himself three whole seconds to blush and stutter a bit at the compliment given to him. He'd never been good at receiving compliments, mostly because he was rarely given any. He didn't want to look like a wuss in front of her, though, and so he forced himself to recover quickly.

"All kinds." He responded. "I suppose we can start with one of the bars. Have you heard of a cabaret? There is one just down the hallway if you'd like to visit." Mel's Cabaret. Other places were too crowded and noisy for his liking; the cabaret was welcoming, intimate, peaceful and best of all, it wasn't that noisy even in peak hours. Which were what he liked in a bar.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I have...let's check it out," she said. "Cabaret doesn't really seem like your particular style, Dramin. I am, admittedly, surprised. Though I do realize we barely know each other," she said. "You seem more like the Staff Lounge type." She laughed a little. "It seems a bit...tawdry is all." Something SHE would like, actually.

"The ambience is what I like, not the entertainment." Dramin insisted stubbornly, turning red at the tips of his ears. "The staff lounge is far too formal for an outing like this one, don't you agree?"

"In any case there should be no show tonight, if I've read their performance schedule correctly. It'll just be the guests seeking drinks. We'll have plenty of time to catch up meanwhile." Dramin offered his arm to her, awkwardly, seeming a bit hesitant. This was what men did to be polite, right? Not that he'd had much experience with women - especially women like Aimee. He felt a bit like they were on a first date, in fact, by the way Aimee'd dressed when she could've worn anything else less revealing. What had he just gotten himself into? He couldn't tell.

She raised an eyebrow, noticing his ears turning red. "Ohhhhkayyyy," she said, but shrugged a little. What a strange little man. She took his arm, though. "I suppose it's a bit formal, yes, depending what you're planning." She followed him into the Cabaret. "Ooh, this *is* nice!"

"It is, isn't it." The cabaret wasn't as full tonight, thank goodness. The place was alive with bustle from the few patrons that were there, but it remained just as cosy and intimate as the last time he'd been here. Which was what he enjoyed about it. He led her to a private-ish booth and sat her down, away from the prying eyes of the crowd. He'd seen how she reacted to unwanted attention - attention other than his, it seemed.

"What would you like?' He asked, sitting down across from her with his fingers laced together.

She smiled. "Mmm...something strong. Gin and tonic! Thanks," she said. "Kinda cozy in here, for a cabaret. Any shows tonight?" She asked. "Do they do them every day or just on weekends and such?"

"They operate on their own schedule, it seems. The club has its own dancers and, apparently, hires acts every so often..." Dramin replied while ordering from a waiter nearby. A gin and tonic for her, a mocktail made of kava fruit for him. Min did not drink as a habit; wouldn't want to turn up to trial hung over, would you? Aimee could laugh at him for it for all he cared.

"I've been here for opening night. The debut show was... well, scintillating. The crowd went quite wild." And then Candy had dragged him off, yadda yadda. She didn't need to know that. He found himself staring at her, admiring her. Unlike Candy Aimee seemed quite a bit more genuine, more sincere. At least.

She raised an eyebrow. "Really, they hire out? Hmmm....wonder if they'd be interested in some Klingon culture. A friend of mine is a Dabo girl elsewhere, but she might be willing to help me out," Aimee said, thoughtfully. "She is an independent girl...sets her own hours, where she works, etc. Her husband is in the Fleet, so she has a lot at her fingers." It was a weird set-up, in Aimee's opinion, but it worked for them. They were a weird couple, anyway-Soshi was Klingon, but Vaunn was Vulcan. Aimee never asked, she just accepted it.

"Oh, you've been here before? How long have you been here?" She asked.

"On the station? Not much longer than you; a few days or so. This cabaret itself opened only recently - I've been only once. Your friend does seem to have quite a good life I'd say, with full control over her work. I think that is something a lot of us seek, isn't it?" Min smiled tiredly at her as their drinks arrived. "I would love that kind of autonomy - alas, the legal world rarely rests, for good or for ill."

"There are many other establishments on this deck if you'd like to visit after. We do have all night." He quipped, ignoring any and all implications that statement might've had. Poor, sweet bean. He really had no idea did he? "I'm afraid this establishment doesn't serve food; at least, I've never seen anyone eat while here."

"I see. So you've already met the others, then." It was more or less a statement of understanding, not surprise. "I wouldn't expect them to have food; places like this are generally about getting people as drunk as possible so it's easier to part them from their money," she said with a chuckle. "And yeah, she's pretty lucky. And even luckier that her husband is OK with it; a lot of men wouldn't be that secure about it," she said. "The Dabo part, really, not the independence." She clarified. "I am not hungry yet, we DID just eat, but yes, we have time." She smiled. "Am I making you nervous or something? You seem to be tripping over your words."

"Well, um. Uh." Min found it hard to tear his eyes off her. "I- no! You aren't making me nervous, no..." He felt his palms grow sweaty and his cheeks burn with embarrassment. Most Kelpiens for whom vahar'ai had not come were already nervous and prone to flight rather than fight, moreso for Min, but being here, around her, made him even more so. He still hadn't decided how exactly he'd scored an evening with her; she deserved to hang out with better people than a nervous wreck like him!

"You just- well. You look so good tonight, and-" He clapped a hand over his own mouth, baby blue eyes wide with a mixture of fright and... something else entirely. God, he'd just ruined their evening hadn't he?

She let out a hearty laugh. "Thank you. I DO have that affect on people, though it's usually fear or uncertainty, given, you know, the Klingon thing. Anyway. Try to calm down; I'm just a friend. Just me, plain old Aimee that you met two years ago." Had it really been that long?! Yeah, it had. "Seems like a lifetime; last posting spent a lot of time in the DQ and you know how much unrest is out there," she said, trying to change the subject so as not to embarrass him further. Still. The fact that she had a little power over him with her simply being female was interesting. She'd file that away.

Dramin felt his cheeks absolutely burn with embarrassment. Here now he looked like a... what did humans call it, a simp? Something like that. He tried hard not to make eye contact as he sipped from his mocktail, hiding from shame behind the rim of hs glass. "I- uhm. Well. I don't usually have friends who want to catch up with me like you do." He mumbled, eyes cast downwards to the table before them. "The few I do have are far too busy to ask how I am or what I'm doing and so forth, even if we happen to be in the same building."

She lowered her gaze. "Sorry, I forget that not everyone is Klingon and that the aggressive thing doesn't work across the board. I am sorry," she said. "I AM interested in catching up; I am glad I won't be alone out here. Well..." It was her turn to bumble over her words. "You know what I mean!" She laughed. "Anyway. I am sorry if I made you feel bad. I am sure that you will make plenty of friends here. You are nice, and good looking-well, at least you're not Human, so you have that going for you-and smart. You just need to get out there!! Who have you met already?" She could help him out!!

"Ahhh. Um. My colleagues in the JAG office... this human woman named Candy who seems far too carefully choreographed to be genuine... a few other miscellaneous crew who don't talk to me much if at all..." Min felt his cheeks grow hot. Good-looking? Of all the things people called him good-looking was never one of them. "And uhm. You. A sparing few really."

She nodded thoughtfully. "I see. How did you meet this Candy? I haven't met her yet, tell me about her. But you need to put yourself out there. Have your lunch in the crew mess. Go to the Lounge after duty. Even if all you do is say three lines to someone, and then read awhile, at least people will recognize you and say hello. I'd bet you find them friendly if you gave it a shot. Let's see. There's a cute lady in Science, unless you prefer men? My boss is single but she seems...uptight-Feeva. Um...there's a Caitian on staff, too. What do you look for in a friend whom you might want to become even...friendlier with?" She chose her words carefully; she wasn't exactly setting him up, but she COULD help him gain a bit more confidence.

"Uhhh. Uhm." Dramin's ears turned a dark shade of purple. He'd never thought about it, actually, not while doing the things he'd been doing for the past few years of his life since teenhood. Try dreaming about the death of your parents daily for a month and see if yoh have time to think about getting a girlfriend.

"I... don't actually know." He confessed with a sheepish smile. His fingers laced together nervously as he gave the matter some thought. "I suppose someone... with a sense of humor. And unafraid to... to... make me get out a little more? I suppose I could use that in my life. Looks would really be a bonus..."

She chuckled. "Well, I haven't seen a single ugly person here, so that's good." She thought for a minute. "I'll ask around, but I won't say your name. Do you have a "type?" you prefer Romulans? Humans? Because "funny and adventurous with good looks is ME," she said, laughing.

"Errrr..." If Min hadn't looked like a strawberry before, he did now, baby blue eyes darting around in a panic before coming to rest on her. "Well, um. Uhhhh." He looked like he was about to up and flee, the poor nervous thing. Heck, he probably would've had Aimee not been an old friend of his he was supposed to be catching up with! "I... hhh. Don't really have a preference..." If he hadn't already outed himself by now, it was probably a miracle and a half. "Though I- I- I wouldn't mind if it were you-" For the second time that night he clapped a hand over his own mouth. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid-

Aimee smirked a little. It was fun watching him get all twisted up. Still, she was flattered. "Well. What if we just see where this goes? I am single now, and apparently, so are you, so. Who knows what might happen?" She shrugged. "I will warn you that I am pure Klingon, though. I can't guarantee I won't hurt you. You know...But not on purpose!!" She laughed again.

Min had, admittedly, expected her to smack him in the face - and with her Klingon strength, maybe dislocate his jaw in a most painful fashion, and flounce off. She couldn't possibly want someone like him. What he received instead was the complete opposite, not that he was complaining at all, mind - but wow. Okay. Well, this was definitely something new. At least she seemed genuinely interested, unlike Candy. Thinking of Candy... blech.

"I- I- I- uhm-" Come on, you big, skinny idiot, just accept it, he told himself. "I- I'd like that. Yes." He stammered, drumming his slender fingers on the table. "Well. Um. I- I haven't ever been in a relationship before, so I hope you'll forgive me if-"

At that, she laughed again. "It's ok, my last girlfriend was a virgin, so it's fine. It's ok. I will teach you. That way, even if it doesn't work out, at least your next opportunity, you will be more prepared." She realized that she was being kinder to him than most people would've been. Especially other Klingons. Still, something about him made her feel like she wanted to take care of him. Not in the way a mother might, but maybe a tiny bit. More like a sick friend would need.

Well, that was... that went better than expected, really. At least she wasn't about to kill him - quite the opposite, really. "Oh. Alright." His head dipped hearing the couple at the next table over snicker at them. Mostly at him, really, seeing as he was the one sitting down with a bombshell of a Klingon and not using the opportunity to its fullest. "Uhm. Well. Would you like to explore the rest of the district, or...?" Had he just implied that they ought to go elsewhere that wasn't this strip of the base? Well... yeah. Definitely. Poor innocent beanpole.

"Maybe we should check out the Habitation areas," she said, nonchalantly. She drained her drink, and then stood up. "Come on." She said.

And here we go again - only this time Aimee was genuinely interested, and the other way round as well. Somehow Min felt his ganglia quiver a little bit less than the last time he'd been with a woman today as he rose, let her take his arm and led her up decks to the habitation area. Most of the station lived there, anyhow. He slowed his step as they began to near his quarters, you know, just in case...

"Which one is yours?" She asked, a glint of...something in her eye. "Do you share or did you manage to pull a single?" She asked, trying to make conversation. They stopped in front of what she assumed to be his quarters. This was it. Quickly, she made a decision. As soon as the door was opened, she pushed him in, and closed it behind them.

Dramin gulped and felt heat surge through his entire body as Aimee shoved him up against the wall, pressed the entirety of her well-endowed body up against his and captured his lips in a fiery kiss. No preambles, no playful teasing. Aimee was already raring to go and would not stop till she was satiated, and would make sure that they both had a roaring good time during. Especially him. Maybe it was the connection they already had that made it even more arousing.

This time, unlike his first time with Candy, a soft purr escaped his lips as he leaned in and wrapped both arms around her. His ganglia had spent the entire night with Candy squirming; they were still now as he let his hands explore. And from the feel of it, Dramin himself was also quite ready to get things rolling, as much as he himself might not have wanted to say it out loud.

"You ever been with a Klingon before?" She asked. "I'll go easy on you. THIS time," she said, a look of carnality in her eyes. Still, she did LIKE him, so she was only mostly kidding.

"Well, no..." Dramin swallowed thickly. "...there's no need to hold back, Aimee. I'm far tougher than I look." He tried to put on a brave face as his hands settled lightly on her rear end, holding her close to him. "I'll live... I think."

She laughed. "Most of them have, yes," she said. "MOST." She winked, but let him pull her close.


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