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A New Raven in Town

Posted on Fri Nov 9th, 2018 @ 8:32am by Lieutenant JG Eleanor Phoy & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior & Ensign Callan Armidale

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Faltan Station - Intelligence deck
Timeline: MD01 - 1500

The Intelligence deck was crowded and people were doing their best to convert all the information that was pushed in their direction. Eleanor exhaled a deep breath and looked around seeing all new people, she heads to interact with and shrugs. Walking towards two of them as she signs a few times. [Ensign Cosantior and... Ensign Armidale was it right? My name is Lieutenant Phoy, the new Chief Intelligence Officer at Faltan... I believe you are also new right?] A computer, yet soft female voice came from her comm badge that translated her signs.

Callan had had his fair share of meeting people who haven't yet learned the Federation standard of English, and thus had their voices translated in real-time by a UT device. But to see the system doing the same for sign language was a first for him. He began to wonder if his new boss ever had a voice, to begin with, or had lost it somehow. Surely medical technology these days would've easily given her the ability to vocalize - Callan knew that laryngeal tissue reconstructions are routinely performed and well-tolerated. But then again, it wasn't his place to question his senior officer about the issue.

"Yes, Callan Armidale, ma'am," he simply said, with a short nod.

"Yes Ma'am, newly assigned, Ensign Cosantior." Shannon replied looking up from her desk at her CO. Curious about the lack of voice and the signing but pushed it to the back to focus on her new Chief. She had heard they'd be getting one but details had been scarce. And to be honest she'd had her own work to be getting on with.

Nodding to them both [Good, the situation in the Raeya Block is dire. I require your aid in recovering our status in getting accurate data that we can use if something would go down and we can react properly. Are you both informed of the current condition of Faltan?] Eleanor signed to them and waited for an answer.

Callan hesitated with his answer, but went forth with it anyway: "I have a rough understanding, ma'am. But I'd have to admit that I feel that I'm not fully aware of all the details."

Looking at the Ensign, she nodded [That is understandable. We are dealing with a gray zone here. We are unaware of what is going on in our surrounding] She points to the screen of decryption [We are translating the 2 years out of date information to compare with the current state of condition at Faltan. Our field operatives are working around the clock to gather information on Faltan and we are slowly rebuilding our network here] Eleanor tried her best to explain the current status of intel, well how pretty she could sign it away it was a fubar situation.

Callan was, however, still somewhat confused. He had hoped this meeting was a full briefing, but he had a bad feeling he may have missed the actual briefing, or that he'd been expected to do a hell of a lot more reading before his arrival. "How long have they been out there?" he asked, then rather embarrassingly, "And... exactly what sort of information are our operatives trying to obtain?"

Noticing the awkwardness in that question as she smiled [Don't worry about it Ensign, it is not like I expect you to know everything. The team has been out there since the full staffing of this base. So more or less three to four weeks. The information expands in smaller bits of information that needs an investigation that is done by them. We do know we are dealing with a royal hired guard known as Red Guards. We know that there is a religious group out there that is using their 'gods' as their tool to suppress the people and actually, a lot of people have already died because of it] Looking at them as Eleanor waited for a respond.

Callan felt even more stupid with his next question. "Our objectives, ma'am?"

[Mainly at this moment is progressing all information that we receive or gather ourselves. But as well keep short lines with Security and Marine Corps in case of security. We are on a planet that is not hanging the flags out for us] Eleanor pointed out and looked at them [If possible assist the other department in getting information, but information that is classified or still needs to be processed here, stays here]

Shannon nodded, she'd been listening and seeing the conversation quietly. "So we have three to four weeks of data to update the past two years." Challenging but not impossible, she looked at her fellow newbie briefly before returning her attention to the lieutenant. Which was her only sign of 'really? oh goodie, not'. "Are there any shortfalls in data? For example the field teams not having all they need to gather intel? Any gaps having been noted? It will help to know to better analyze what we do have." She said quietly and politely.

Callan had listened on carefully, and his attention was drawn in when the Chief mentioned of their need to work closely with the security team - and how classified information might not completely be shared across all departments involved. He wondered if that might bring him into a situation where he'd have to keep things quiet around Jonah... but as an ex-intel officer, he was sure his fiance would understand.

Looking at them both [Getting back up to speed is going to take some time, but I trust in my people abilities to get this done. Gaps, is always a risk and surely something to look at when analyzing the information Ensign] Eleanore said and nodded [Alright, I still got some meetings to go before going for a few days into the field. Keep the center in one piece] She smiled at that and made her leave to continue the debriefing, a Marine needed her attention for something.


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