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Why the Explosion?

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2019 @ 10:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Catrina (Cat) Tendai & Lieutenant JG Shannon Cosantior

1,524 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Into The Breach
Location: Chief Engineer's Office
Timeline: MD06 - 1830

Tossing a PADD onto her desk with a clatter, Cat sat back and stared at the ceiling of her office. None of the information was adding up on the explosion of the Klingon ship. She looked to Lieutenant Erikson who had brought her the latest report and gave her a nod before Erikson walked out of the office. "Why can't this make any sense..." she mumbled.

Ensign Cosantior tapped the door chime at the precise moment of her appointment with the Lt. Commander.

The door opened though Cat hadn't said anything as the other engineer walked out. Looking over, she waved her hand. "Come on in, Ensign. Ignore the mess, I've got reports coming out my ears at this point."

Shannon walked in, carefully avoiding the work related debris. "I understand Ma'am, is this still a good time?" She asked, holding her own PADD.

"You're fine. Just have a lot dumped on me at once. Between second officer and now being in charge of that explosion." Cat sat back with a very heavy sigh. "Please tell me you have something that can help, Shannon," she said nearly sounding like she was begging on top of being exhausted.

"Yes Ma'am I believe so but I do have a few holes, would you be willing to fill me on what you know just so I can ensure I am on the right page?" She replied carefully.

Cat smiled. "From what I got from Lieutenant Aiman-Tamar, we've got systems not reporting things, a Klingon ship exploding on our doorstep with Federation explosives seeming to be the cause, no one on my team said they were down there, security that was down there hasn't been interviewed yet but I doubt they would have had anything to do with it. Ops says nothing unusual happened..." She shook her head, "I think that's the basic run down."

Shannon nodded, "That scans with what I have, initial background check of personnel who had access and ability starting with security, operations and engineering personnel have come up with no obvious red flags but we can dig deeper. We are also working with security to back tracking personnel movements as well looking for the out of place but odds are if anyone was they're good enough to cover their tracks computer wise so could be a bit of a challenge."

"I've even triple-checked with my team to make sure no one was down there, but go ahead and start with the more extensive checks. Run the results only by the command staff, though. We don't want to draw too much attention to the fact that we're looking into our own people." Cat sighed. "I can't believe that Federation explosives were found..."

Shannon, in trying to be helpful and honest, nodded but replied, "That is no guarantee of fault Ma'am. Yes it's our equipment but it may be unrelated otherwise. It could be some sort of misdirection, we can't be sure until we learn more." She stated as her mind whirled with at least four scenarios that would fit the limited facts. "Has medical or science found any biological matter at the crime scene that could relate?" She asked curiously as a thought occurred.

Cat tapped her fingers on the desk. "Although true, it does allow the Klingons to point blame, which is not anything that we need right now." She picked up another PADD, glancing through the report Aiman-Tamar had provided. "The rest of the command team is worried about the fact that the computer wouldn't let a department head access files they should have had access too, especially with this going on. We still haven't been able to track down the why, but, and this doesn't leave this room unless you are speaking to one of the three command officers, have verified that there are explosives missing from our supplies. But we haven't been able to verify if they are the ones that were used yet."

Shannon nodded her understanding of the order and the potential problems with the Klingons, "I see." She said thoughtfully, taking in the information. She was terribly curious about the computer not allowing access but her work load had been tracking down personnel and as much as she wanted to she couldn't do all the the things, she had a lot of questions but learned a long time ago not all were needed to the mission at hand. "We have a great number of unknowns still it seems. With your permission, I will work through the personnel in the related zones I will send to you in sections rather than waiting until it's complete, if that meets with approval?"

It was not how she liked to operate but there were too many unknowns in their timeline, speed seemed warranted here. She wanted to, in her own small way, cut down on the level of unknowns.

"Go person by person, but I want reports on each one when they are done. I hate to think it is one of our own, but we can't rule anyone out. I need to figure out this explosives thing." Cat sat back and closed her eyes for a moment. "If you question any of my engineers, let me know ahead of time? I'd like to sit in on those."

Shannon nodded, that was good point. She made a note to make sure all Department heads were squared away first so they could sit near any followups with their people if they so choose. "With your security clearance I don't foresee any problems." She replied, making another mental note to double check with her own Chief. "I am glad you mentioned it, as those with the ability are being reviewed in depth first, cross referencing of course with motive and opportunity to order personnel." She paused as she thought to clarify, "In addition to checking for any known outside persons who may have been close enough in the area of space to cause trouble, I can put those on a secondary list."

Cat sighed, "I get the feeling you'll be talking with every department head. Except maybe medical, though for all I know there still may be patience there that were part of the explosion. I'll work on figuring out the command codes that were used in some of this, maybe we can get a better start on who else we need to talk to."

Shannon nodded her face somber, "Hopefully the algorithm I've written will help order the personnel records and outside persons from most likely to least as I intend. It might be done compiling by the time I get back." Then he hastened to assure, "Not that we'll stop looking at everyone until complete to be safe. I know I would feel better if anyone willing to blow others up were secured sooner rather than later but we have to go where the data leads us." She replied with her own related concern to the Commander's last. Investigations could take time, she only hoped they had enough time.

"We've got a long road ahead of us. We just can't leave any lead unexplored. Its even longer since we can't have anyone helping us out besides command staff really." Cat shifted a few PADDs around. "Do what you've got to do, don't overstep and don't put any searches into the computers that anyone would be able to pick up on. Right now not even with any intel tech. Low profile until otherwise told."

"I understand Ma'am, Ghost Protocol Contingency 2. If I feel something strays outside my brief that is worthwhile I will pass that along to you and my Chief." She replied efficiently. Not this in particular but situations that required a delicate touch happened enough Intel had an entire section of operational plans on how to investigate that aided their teams. "If something can be found there, we'll find it." She promised not overly confident but just determined.

Cat smirked. "I don't know the intel protocols, but go with it. This will be a lot of digging while looking like we're doing our normal work, Ensign. Go about your day to day routine, whatever others ask you do to as part of your normal duties, but keep going on this."

Shannon look vaguely embarrassed at having used industry slang unintentionally, "Sorry Ma'am yes, GP2 a plan that includes what you described. And I understand I'll fill in the cracks, I don't sleep much anyway." She smiled slightly. She spent so much time in the intel wing, looking at reports and analyzing data she did sometimes forgot not everyone, though authorized, knew the same things she did. "If there's nothing else, I have some time now I can get right to it."

"No need to apologize. Just, get what sleep you can, then get working on whatever there is to work on. I plan on visiting someone and then doing the same." Cat smiled, "Enjoy your evening, Shannon."

Shannon returned the smile, smaller but geniune as she nodded, "Thank you Ma'am you too." Her mind already whirling with plans she turned and headed out eager to get to work.


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