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A Sudden End to a Conference

Posted on Wed Jun 9th, 2021 @ 4:28am by Captain M'Mira & Lieutenant Tomer Chaim & Lieutenant JG Adam Burns & Lieutenant Connor Turner & Candy Templeton & Lieutenant Phelan Zhaan & Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Petty Officer 1st Class Grace Hudson & Telhas thu'S'Terion Sa-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor & Nevala thu'S'Terion Ko-Shasol'kor t'Cheleb-Khor

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 4 - Like a Thunderbolt
Location: Ambassador Quadrant

M'Mira headed to the stage where all of the ambassadors were located. Notably missing were the ambassadors from Faltan, Raeya, and Union were missing. M'Mira did not like it. This stunk of a plot unleashed by Governor Taga. She was a conniving one. Even Candy was having difficulties discovering Taga's plans.

The discussions were supposed to begin at 0930 sharp but without anyone present, M'Mira was not certain what to do. Before she could approach the various ambassadors, a person materialized in the middle of the crowd. As he materialized, his skin started to blister and brown. Although he was in obvious pain, he screamed, "You! Invaders! Federation! Romulans! This is what you have wrought upon us! You destroy our world! You conquer us with this station and try to make us into you! No more! It ends now!"

There was a scream of horrific pain as large lumps started to form on the man. It was if he were bubbling from the inside out. His body started to steam and before anyone could approach the man, he exploded. Entrails, blood, and organs splattered against the floor, people, and instruments. No sooner than anyone was touched by any of the remains or blood, others started to show immediate signs of skin burns.

Kara clasped her hand over her mouth in horror, and shock at the site before her. She staggered back as a delegate at the party who’d caught a fair amount of the backlash stepped towards her crying out for help. The sight was a horrific one as she watched whatever it was consume him too.

Tomer was prepared. He was not going to let his beautiful wife, Spots, come to any harm. The moment after she witnessed the spreading of the germs, she was whisked away by an internal transporter beam to their quarters. He hit his commbadge and said, =^=Get yourself on a ship out of here immediately. That's an order!=^= Never before had Tomer given his wife an order.

Kara opened her mouth to refuse before stopping herself. =^= As soon as I get Briana! =^= With that she rushed out to collect their daughter from childcare.

Grace was up on her feet wanting to help but she couldn’t risk coming into contact with whatever this contagion was, especially in her condition. “Hazard suits! We need bio hazard suits ASAP!!”

TAG Tristian, Any

M'Mira now knew that there was a threat here that could not be contained. She called out to everyone who could hear, "To space! Now!" The spry Caitian maneuvered out of any harm, which kept repeating itself and she sought out the Romulan Ambassador. Once she found him, she said, "Rrrememberrr ourrr deal? We need it now. I need you and yourrr fleet to take everrryone out of herrre. Head to the deep space station that is underrr constrrruction."

Telhas nodded. Thankfully he had not been hit by any of the remains of the person who, well, exploded, yet. =^= Telhas to Ket-Cheleb. Uncloak, I repeat, uncloak and take as many persons from the station on board as possible. Bring them to the space station under construction. Oh, and before I forget this: Take them under biohazard countermeasures. =^=

=^= Lord Telhas, this is Alidar R'Mor. You are sure? =^=

=^= Knigh Commander, I am sure. Store the freight in the Embassy, if necessary. =^=

=^= Understood, Mylord. One question: Yel-pohshaya? =^=

=^= Not yet, Knight Commander. =^=

"The D'deridex will take as many on board as possible. I will leave as well now and co-ordinate everything on board of the Kaiell. Should anyone dare to attack my ships, I will level the planet. See you on the station."

M'Mira nodded at the Romulan Ambassador. "Until then," she told him. For a half second, M'Mira watched all that she had created over the past two years become a panicking mess. Somehow, the Falteans and Taga must be behind this but why did they do this? And now? Under pretense of a conference. And what about Raeya and Union? Why were they in on this? Their ambassadors were noticeably absent.

=^= Telhas to Kaiell. Uncloak and beam me on board! Emergency! =^=

Telhas disappeared inside a glowing green light.

M'Mira ordered on a station wide comm =^= Seniorrr officerrrs to the minotaurrr. Securrrity assist anyone not affected to any available ship. Commandeerrr any ship to take everrryone to the space station. This is a full evactuation. All emerrrgency prrrocedurrres apply. =^=

The Klingon Ambassador Kuras was not happy as he quickly hustled through the corridor.

qaStaH nuq jay’ he yelled.

M'Mira thought back to her Klingon. Ah, he's wondering what is happening. "We'rrre evacuating, Ambassadorrr. It appearrrs to be a biological attack and it is sprrreading."

" Biological? That is the marks of a Romulan." growled Col. Kuras. Tapping his com badge only silence filled his ears as it was clear his cruiser had been recalled.

"I do not think it is Rrrromulan," M'Mira purred. "Nonetheless, we must get everrryone herrre to the space station. Take anyone you can, please."

Kuras grabbed two people and drug them with himself towards the exit.

Behind then a tall slinder man followed suit and paused by the Caitian officer.

" If I may be of service? Lt Sorben of the Jag corp."

"Yes, evacuate anyone that is not showing signs of this disease. Get them to the ships, now!" M'Mira ordered urgently.

Sorben snapped to attention and hustled to help evacuate the others as he saw others heading to the exits. Passing the Klingon Colonal, Sorben held the doors open for those exiting.


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