Getting Reaquainted
Posted on Sun Feb 2nd, 2025 @ 1:16pm by Captain M'Mira & Lieutenant Tomer Chaim & Lieutenant Connor Turner & Colonel Jack Patton & Lieutenant Commander Aeryn Jameson & Lieutenant Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Tyler Lockley & Lieutenant Jason Beauvoir PhD & Lieutenant Marcus Alexander MD & Lieutenant JG Kara Quinn-Chaim & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra
3,454 words; about a 17 minute read
Mission 5 - The Cold War Ends
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: MD01 -1200
M'Mira was feeling good. Her tail swished from side to side, as she walked to the briefing room. On her tail was a bracelet. It had a small bell on it that rang each time she swished her tail. I think it looks quite good on me. The Cat Lord knows that if I'm not the prettiest and most stylish eligible Caitian on this station, then I would not know who is.
Still, with all the fresh faces coming in, she wanted to get to know everyone better. Once in the briefing room, she went to a replicator and ordered herself a white Russian with extra cream and then called out on the comm, =^= All Chiefs of staff to the brrriefing rrroom, please. =^=
Kara was in her office when the call to the briefing room came through. Putting her PADD away she quickly headed out. It didn’t take long to get to the briefing room, as she walked inside she offered a polite smile. “Captain.”
M'Mira showed her teeth, canines whitened and sharp when Kara entered the room. "Welcome. Arrre you well?" The Caitian's voice seemed unusually chipper today.
“Very well, thank you Captain,” Kara smiled warmly as she took a seat.
At four months pregnant, Aer found herself acclimating to the new station, having left Jack somewhat bewildered. The reason for her irritation with him that morning was unclear, even to her; it was simply the sound of his breathing that grated on her. Their relocation was a result of Jack's promotion to first officer, which also prompted a few of his marines to transfer following a downsizing of the Kingsmen. Despite Aer's petite and delicate stature, the twins she carried seemed determined to spar within her womb. The station, still unfamiliar, was slowly becoming more comfortable, and her state-of-the-art intelligence suite provided a welcome boost to her spirits. As she entered the briefing room, her face lit up with a warm smile for those assembled. Glancing at her wristwatch, she greeted them, "Good... afternoon, everyone," her smile as radiant as the room's polished surfaces.
Jack had spent the better part of the morning getting the Kingsmen settled into their new throneroom. It was no small task. The unit had been made smaller and their orders were forward recon with a plan to set up a base camp for forces yet to come. Additionally his orders were to assume the position as Executive Officer of the station. It took years for him to prepare at Poseidon and now he had to do it in a matter of days. To make matters worse his wife seemed to be out of sorts and he did not know why.
Jack arrived at the Briefing Room wearing a standard Marine duty uniform with his beret. As he entered the room he chided himself for not spending more time with the Captain and getting to know the Caitian, let alone the rest of the crew. "Morning everyone." He said as he took the seat to the right of the Captain.
“Good Morning” Kara smiled warmly.
Entering the room next Aeryn couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable, last time she was here she was First Officer but after the events of her kidnapping she had accepted the offer to work with Telhas as his aide, and to learn more about her Romulan heritage, Now she was back as Chief Diplomatic Officer. She offered a polite smile as she took her seat at the table.
M'Mira greeted her new XO warmly. It was odd to have a marine serving under her as an XO, but given all of the trouble with the Falteans over the years, having marines here made perfect sense. While things had been relatively quiet for the last eight years, it was only a matter of time before Governor Taga and the Falteans would stir something up. It was not likely enough for Taga to have the Federation off the planet. Taga and the rest of the Raeyan Sector Block wanted the Federation out, period.
She gave a questioning look at Aeryn but did not throw her out, as the Romulan diplomat and M'Mira had a long history. Nothing that was going to be said today would be confidential and to the extent it was, the Romulans already knew.
"Grrreetings, Colonel. I'm sorry that we did not get to meet prrriorrr to this meeting but this is a meet and grrrreet for everrryone. We can talk in morrre detail after this." She took a drink of her White Russian with extra cream, promptly getting some cream stuck in her facial fur.
"Thank you, Captain, and that is understood. My unit known as The Kingsmen have been getting settled in. What can you tell me about the Falteans?" Know your enemy better than yourself as the old adage went. Jack had two missions here and he aimed to accomplish them as soon as possible. Although he would be lying if he did not say that he had some excitement about being in the Delta Quadrant.
Aer had tried to find out some information on the Falteans on their journey here but Starfleet had been quite tight lipped on any requests made. She hoped the captain would be able to fill in some of the gaps she'd managed to uncover through other avenues. However, there was her husband standing tall and puffing out his chest about his Kingsmen. She was beginning to think he paid them more attention than her lately, but she knew her emotional state had been chaotic recently. Apparently, the mix of Human and El Aurian DNA led to some interesting symptoms during pregnancy and heightened and erratic emotion was one of them. For now, she waited for the captain to speak.
M'Mira hissed out a sigh. "The Falteans have been my life forrr the last 9 years. I was sent herrre as the Chief Operrrations Officerrr to fix up what used to be Faltan Station: a Planetarrry Base. The Federrration had a lease to it from the Falteans. At the time, the Faltans werrre goverrrned by Goverrrnorrr Kiterrr Tizd. He was assassinated, some suspect by the current Goverrrnorrr Taga. Taga, well, she is a sneaky thing.
"The Goverrrnorrr's powerrrr is theorrretically checked by a council, but in 8 yearrrs, they have neverrr not done anything that Taga has not wanted. Therrre has been no veto of council action.
"Afterrr the prrrevious three COs left, I was prrromoted. My rrrelationship with Taga has been mixed. Eight years ago, therrre was a peace conferrrence scheduled herrre with the memberrrs of Faltan, Rrraeyan, Union, and the Federrration. Instead, it turrrned into a blood bath. A biological weapon - a perrrson was rrreleased with a deadly virrrus. A perrrson so infected would explode. If any of the shrrrapnel of that perrrson hit someone else, they would be infected and then they would explode. Therrre was no currre. It was too fast-acting and those of us forrrtunate enough, escaped the planet to this starrrbase which was being alrrrready in the prrrocess of being built. It was mostly a skeleton, but we finished it and now we are herrrre.
"Forrr the last 8 yearrrs, therrre has been a cold warrr going on between us and the worrrlds of the Raeyan Sector Block. Tensions arrre high and Taga is likely to blame. Howeverrr, nobody has been able to act and so we constantly monitorrr each otherrr. It is only a matterrr of time beforrre this brrreaks, as Taga is not likely happy that we arrre still herrre. Does that answerrr yourrr question and catch you up to speed?" The Caitian flopped down into her chair after finishing her presentation and the bell on her tail noisily protested.
Jack had taken notes on what the Captain said on his PADD. When she had finished he cocked his eyebrow, if he did not know better he would think the Captain was annoyed that he asked for some information. "Captain M'Mira would you be able to release any information on this weapon for my men to study. I would also like any medical information pertaining to infected individuals."
Jack then turned to the Chief of Security. "Lieutenant Lockley I believe. The Kingsmen are at your disposal to assist in the Security rounds as needed. We should also compare notes on how to detect and prevent a situation like that weapon from happening again." Jack glanced toward his wife and was now slightly worried about bringing her and their unborn children into this situation.
Tyler nodded. "Appreciate that Colonel. I'd be more than happy to meet with you following this meeting so we can go over things, see what we can't work out." He said, giving a small smile.
M'Mira looked over at Jack and lazily answered him, "Of courrrse, everrrything rrregarding the incident is at yourrr disposal. Yourrr clearrrance is morrre than sufficient."
Marcus sneaked in as the others were chatting. Time had changed him since the last time he was here at Faltan Station. Raeya III had been his home for the past five years. He had been providing medical aid to that world. He grew up on that world being the son of the Federation Ambassador at that time. That was long before the Cold War with the Federation like Faltan that planet was in disarray. Why had Starfleet requested his return to Faltan Station? The last time here all he saw was death. These thoughts raced through his mind as he took an open seat in the briefing room.
M'Mira did not miss the Doctor's arrival. The keen eyed Caitian took the opportunity to make a point, "Doctorrr, so glad you could join us. I know that you have been away forrr awhile, but my meetings starrrt on time."
“Sorry, Commander…I mean Captain. I’ve not completely adjusted to Faltan time yet.” He took a sip of his coffee. “It won’t happen again.” He sat his coffee cup down and picked up the PADD laying on the table.
"I underrrstand. We will have to talk about yourrr time away. I am verrry interrrested in what you werrre doing. It may be helpful to the ongoing situation, Doctor."
“Understood, Captain. I look forward to laughing you up on everything,” the doctor replied.
Just after the Doctor answered, a gangly looking man with dark hair and spectacles came into the room. He spoke in an Exeter British accent. "So sorry, everyone. The computers and I were having a discussion and apparently they did not want to let me go until just now." He looked around at some of the unfamiliar faces. Was he the only single person other than M'Mira in his room? HIs posture visibly relaxed when he believed that he had.
"Oh, um, for those who do not know me, I'm Connor Turner, the Acting Chief Engineer and Computer specialist."
M'Mira visibly rolled her eyes at the Lieutenant. She wondered why he stayed around Faltan Station. He had no ties to anyone except Candy and they had been broken up for years. The Cat Lord knew that he had not had much luck in the relationship department since. He suspected that his ex-girlfriend, Candy Templeton had something to do with it, but as it was not a Starfleet matter, she let it go. Besides, she had more to think about, like cat naps and White Russians with Extra Cream. That caused her to take another sip of her cocktail. Once completed, she said, "Lieutenant, just take a seat. Thank you."
The door to the briefing room opened revealing, a woman with blonde hair done up in a french braid. and carrying a padd in one hand along with a cup of coffee in the other. She had a slight frown. She quietly took a seat near Aer. Kaylee had discovered something in her search for knowledge on the species Patton and those who had come from Poseidon Station could use. There seemed to have been some missing information that could prove to be useful. Had the data been corrupted? She glanced around at those seated there.
"Good Afternoon." Kaylee gave a brief smile before taking a drink from her mug. She then looked towards Captain M'Mira. "Apologies, I was on the hunt for some information."
Connor's eyes widened as Kaylee walked in. His mouth dropped. What was Candy doing here? M'Mira would never let her.... Wait. That's not Candy. Oh, thank God. His mouth nearly immediately shut and then he found some spot above her right shoulder on the wall to look at. It was always easier that way with attractive women.
M'MIra frowned at Kaylee and then and then asked the rest of the room huffily, "Is it not too much to ask my Chiefs to be on time to a brrriefing? You will just have to catch up on whateverrr we alrrready discussed."
Another man walked in. The marines and some others were already familiar with him. It was the Acting Chief of Security, Tomer Chaim. He caught M'Mira's statement and replied, "Absolutely right, Captain. I'm sorry that I'm late. I had to check on the kids at school for a moment."
The Captain smiled at Tomer and answered, "I figurrred when I saw yourrr wife herrre without you. Just as long as the cubs arrre alrrright."
Tomer then moved to the side of his wife, the Chief Counselor, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Kara smiled warmly, she was feeling better than she had been earlier thankfully.
A man with clear Vulcanoid ancestry entered the Briefing Room. He was dressed in the uniform of a Romulan Lieutenant in Sciences. Greeting M'Mira he said. "I apologize for my tardiness, Captain. The RRF (Romulan Republic Force) Dark Ember, on which I travelled here was delayed due to solar burst activity." He looked down at his uniform, I also apologize for being out of uniform, I was taking part in an officer exchange program, and didn't have time to change." He frowned. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Lieutenant Jason Beauvoir, your new Chief Science Officer, reporting for duty, Ma'am."
M'Mira glared at the new Chief Science Officer, a low growl emitting from her. "You could not figurrre out how to change on the ship, knowing that you would be herrre? Did the trrrip only take a micrrrosecond?"
She paused before hissing out, "Therrre is no execuse for not prrresenting prrroperrrly. Considerrr this yourrr last warrrning. Sit and catch up. Perrrhaps get me anotherrr white Rrrusian with extrrra crrream...."
"Yes, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, understood." Jason said. He then walked over to the replicator and ordered a White Russian with extra cream, and a root beer float for himself.
The Vulcanoid handed the requested drink, to his new CO and took an unclaimed seat, and sipped at his own drink. He was going to order a Jägermeister, but thought it best not to push things.
M'Mira took the proffered drink and with the other hand gulped down the remainder of her last white Russian, cream landing on her furry top lip. She then sipped more of the new cup, more cream landing on her upper lip.
Jason saw Aer and gave her a nod of recognition.
He remembered their first meeting on Poseidon Station, not knowing she was married or his new boss, he'd tried to pick her up in a bar. She'd let him down gently. He wondered if she ever told the Colonel.
"Now, as you all know, my new XO is the Colonel. He will have double duties with the Marrrines and Starrrfleet. It is not unprrrecedented, as a similarrr experrrience is going on Pioneerrr and seems to be working well. Do any of you have questions about this?"
Kaylee quietly shook her head, she remembered having have had a meeting with Patton back on Poseidon Station, about a person wearing two hats. In fact a slight smile became evident as she thought of that, Kaylee glancing over towards the Colonel.
Aer shook her head as her eyes closed. Jack always had a lot on his plate, now even more so with the two bundles of joy on their way within Aer. She was just eager to get going, or moving... her back was killing her.
"My plan is to continue and elaborate on a program that was started on the USS Pioneer. That is to integrate Marines into the day to day of Starfleet Operations and vice versa. The Kingsmen will be available for any needs that may come up. In particular for regular patrols on the Promenade and augmenting the Security force on the station. When the Corps gives us a mission I will evaluate that mission's needs and request Starfleet personnel as needed." Jack knew that he would rely much on Brina for a lot of the work with the Kingsmen, once the babies came.
Tomer's ears perked up at that statement. "Would that not be redundant? There are civilian officers and of course my department is responsible for the overall security." He looked over at Jack and said, "Nothing personal, sir. Just trying to understand your vision."
"As you are no doubt aware Lieutenant there can never be too much security. Add to that with the reports coming off of Faltan there could be a very real threat to this station. I know that your department and the civilians, while skilled beyond belief are not enough to cover every nook and cranny of this station. So, my people will be added to yours to get it done. In matters of station security Lieutenant Lockley and yourself will have the overall command, as reporting to myself and the Captain. The general method in which this can and should work is: Any threat to this station from within is the job of Security. Any threat to this station from without is the job of The Kingsmen." Jack explained with visuals. He had keyed up some diagrams that both the Corps and Starfleet had made in reference to situations like this on the holo in the center of the table.
Tomer was not a deep thinker. Something did not sound right about it all but Lockley was his XO now, so he would defer to his expertise. There must be a reason behind it. Whatever it was, it was beyond him. He looked over at his wife, Kara, gave her a smile, and then looked directly back at Lockley, "As you say, sir."
Kaylee had noticed the brief signs of Aer being uncomfortable, and there was also the signs of
someone else being pregnant. "Captain, I will say that those implementations of which Colonel Patton speaks of, does indeed work. I have been witness to its effectiveness."
"Then I will look forrrwarrrd to its implementation, as it seems that Misterrr Chaim has no issues while Misterrr Lockley is on leave," M'Mira answered with a satisfied grin.
"Now, as I said at the beginning, much of this brrriefing was for everrryone new and old to meet and get to know each otherrr. Is therrre anything else that anyone would like to say beforrre I dismiss you all."
Aeryn hadn’t spoken up at all during the meeting instead choosing to take in everything that was being said. It felt odd to be at the meeting in anything other than the First Officer spot. Now she knew more of her Romulan heritage she was only too happy to be aide as well as Chief Diplomatic Officer. “Captain I would like to... refresh diplomatic ties with other Ambassadors, as well as offer any assistance that the Romulan Ambassador can provide.”
Both M'Mira and Aeryn knew that each of them had special relationships with the Romulan Ambassador. The silent treaty that M'Mira had negotiated with the Ambassador still held, even if Romulus was no longer what it was. "You arrre the chief diplomatic officerrr. Rrrefrrreshing ties seems wise."
Aeryn nodded. “Thank you Captain.”
"If therrre is nothing else..." M'Mira took another sip of her white Russian with extra cream, more cream landing in her fur. "Then, you arrre all dismissed. Forrr those new herrre, again, welcome to Faltan Station."
At the Captain's dismissal, Kaylee rose from her seat. "Thank you Captain." giving a slight bow towards M'Mira before she left the briefing room. Kaylee made a mental note as to setting up a meeting with M'Mira to get better acquainted with her.
Rising from her seat Kara offered her husband a warm smile, and a polite nod to everyone else before heading out, she promised Tomer she would visit sickbay and that was where she was going.